Jesus fucking christ THIS is Hotline Miami, the game that everyone orgasms over? What a complete piece of shit...

Jesus fucking christ THIS is Hotline Miami, the game that everyone orgasms over? What a complete piece of shit. Shit controls, artificial difficulty, schizo AI, RNG on everything, overly pretentious story, ugly as sin, terrible music... how the fuck did THIS ever get popular? What kind of literal sub-60 IQ monkey plays this and thinks "yes, this is a quality video game"?

First game I've ever refunded on Steam, what a fucking trashfire.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The game is good you just have shit taste.
They are better and more successful then you
will ever be. Your opinion is not important.

Looks like somebody couldn't get a grip on the game

Literally what is supposed to be good about this game? Getting shot by enemies off-screen until you memorize their patterns and get lucky with RNG?

I saw a thread like this earlier. There are also a lot of Half Life threads which have this same tone of OP.

Half-Life is good though.

>artificial difficulty
Reminder that anyone who unironically uses this as an "argument" is just a shitter at video games and should have their opinion discarded immediately.

If you're playing number 2 that's your problem.

You can easily get an A+ on every single level using only the default mask and fists once you get the hang of it. Unironically git gud.

He's using the "shit on the game in all of the ways that Yas Forums likes in order to farm replies so we can have a Hotline Miami thread" strategy

>"terrible music"

You have been hereby officially discarded from this board. Please seek help at your nearest plebbit station.

>making a bait OP to get easy rage (you)s

Attached: Hotline Miami.png (461x454, 144.52K)

>default mask and fists
Well strictly speaking, you ARE going to have to use a gun eventually if you’re using Richard, to take out Big Niggas

If you wanted a hotline Miami thread just say so op you don't have to talk like a faggot
Ethan was my favorite character in 2, I thought his no killing gimmick was really fun and let you build some nice combos, a shame he wasn't always selectable on maps

No, the first one.

I'm sure I could, but why would anyone bother? Memorizing enemy placement and hoping for good RNG isn't fun. The gameplay is so fucking boring. Even when everything goes perfectly it doesn't feel rewarding because you didn't overcome any challenge. You just remembered where everyone was and got lucky.

What positive points does this game have that warrants discussion?

It's shit.

obvious troll is obvious

Attached: urmrgay.jpg (550x772, 117.15K)

The only way to get (you) on this board is to troll

Kill yourself, here's a (You) to take with you on the way to hell

go back to where you came from.

Had good music and was fun. Story is shit but whatever.
>artificial difficulty, schizo AI
It was an easy game. Don't embarrass yourself.

Attached: azel2wn1z8l31.jpg (400x692, 69.49K)

>RNG on everything


game's predictable to a fault

enemy AI is random, sometimes they will leave their rooms and shoot you from off-screen and there's literally no way to prevent or predict it.

the game is a psuedo puzzle game where u have to find out the limited options you have and then execute quickly.

the thematics are a meditation on the morality of video game violence and violence in media in general. also has a cool third act change up that is unexpected and recontextualizes the story in an interesting way

if u dont actually like the game then sorry youre a dumbass that also sucks at video games

if ur using some reverse psychology shit to get someone to recommend the game to you there you go. its a good game with good combat and story.

>you have to pretend to hate what you like in order to actually get conversation going now
>more and more cult classics will reach page 10 with no replies because the thread was just wanting to talk instead of being a loud obnoxious nigger
>suddenly remember when I beat pathologic 2 i made a thread praising what it did right and got called a shill by an underage faggot and no actual replies otherwise
Why am I still posting here?

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Git gud

Absolutely fuming

Never played it because of the retarded pulsating pink background makes me want to puke.

>First game I've ever refunded on Steam
wouldn't be the last considering the current state of Q&A from Valve

All the old guard who could no longer stand people talking about games after 2008 have left long ago.

Why haven't you? why havent i?

You don't need to memorize anything, once you get experienced, any situation is manageable.

It's always been a terrible game for pseuds to brag about.
It has Gore, it has le epic minimal music and the pretentious, nonexistent story that they make up in their heads. It's the perfect bait for redditors

hahhahahahahhah u mad cuz bad faggot

Attached: umadkonane.jpg (479x466, 27.8K)

No idea where to go, and the almost bitter reluctance to let something that was once special go is my excuse I guess.

>the game is a psuedo puzzle game
Exactly, and good puzzle games give you enough pieces to solve the puzzle, they don't give you different pieces depending on RNG.
>the thematics are a meditation on the morality of video game violence and violence in media in general.
aka overly pretentious trash made by neckbeards.
>youre a dumbass that also sucks at video games
My sister could beat this game, it's not even hard. Just boring as shit because it's literally all artificial difficulty where you have to memorize the levels.
>its a good game with good combat and story.
enemies shooting you from off-screen is not good combat in any game. being unable to aim your gun is not good combat in any game. being unable to tell if an enemy is dead or not is not good combat in any game.
Nobody's doing that, you're just a schizo.
but DUDE pixelated graphics and colour bleed everywhere means it's RETRO and therefore AMAZING!

>the thematics are a meditation on the morality of video game violence and violence in media in general. also has a cool third act change up that is unexpected and recontextualizes the story in an interesting way
See? Like I said in , HM
Fags are always pretentious pseuds desperate to find their "deep, obscure game"

>minimal music

>You don't need to memorize anything
>*gets shot from off-screen*
Again, literally what "skill" is involved in this game? You can't aim, you can't predict the enemy, you can't do anything except trial and error your way through the levels.

you suck LMAO


you suck LMAO

You praise the game and you don't even know what the genre of its music is called you fucking colossal retard?
Like a said, pretentious fucking retards. Listen to some electronic music and you'll realize how fucking garbage surface level shit is HMs ost

Attached: two butts shitting.png (369x369, 6.39K)

>doesn't define what minimal music is

the absolute state of your smooth brain dude.

>Can't use Google

fucking shit taste you have there kiddo
are actual videogames with real gameplay too much for you?
I would suggest, you better go suck a dick
I think that's more up your alley

>game doesn't focus on the gameplay instead of the story
>people still complain about it
You aren't supposed to be planning your way around levels, you're supposed to let the adrenaline flow and act instinctively
As much as I hate linking to a youtube reviewer, ZP really explained this the best

What the hell do you mean by minimal music? Are you talking about minimalist electronic music like Terry Riley or something? Because Hotline Miami's soundtrack sounds nothing like this.

>>I can't follow the story, therefore it's made up

>You can't aim, you can't predict the enemy, you can't do anything except trial and error your way through the levels.

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Kind hard to act on instinct when you die in one hit to everything and bullets can fly at you from offscreen. You expect me to instinctively use witch time before the bullet collides with my toe?

Welcome to "don't listen to people's opinions, try shit yourself before making up your opinion". Shame on you for only realizing this at your age.

>You expect me to instinctively use witch time before the bullet collides with my toe?

Attached: soy002.jpg (225x224, 4.71K)

offscreen shit isn't even that bad in 1 where most areas are super linear and you can easily blindfire and swing around and get someone, you're legit just bad

are all fans of this game ledditors?
>"""real gameplay"""
>"dude just run at these dudes with a baseball bat until you memorize where they all are
>You aren't supposed to be planning your way around levels, you're supposed to let the adrenaline flow and act instinctively
While enemies OHK you from off-screen, you can't see what weapons you're picking up, and you can't even aim properly? The game gives you no incentive to play aggressively, what a retarded fucking idea.
>"ooh my GAWD, look at all this blood and dead guys in a VIDEO GAME, I'm so fucked in the head for enjoying this LOL!"
Is this babby's first shooter or something?

you suck LMAO

Nice reddit maymay though.
How old are you?