Did this fool you Yas Forums?

Did this fool you Yas Forums?

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The old hag is obvious but Geralt did spend all night alone with the Strigga. No one really knows what happened between them :^)

>Only hard cock would lift the curse - Sorry Yen.

never played any of the witcher games so i could only take the information given at face value.

yes i was fooled. i couldnt not be fooled by the circonstances. honestly i would like if he doesnt do that again. i prefer that my information be true. im not mad, just disappointed joseph!

Purposely putting false information in an otherwise true and factual account just to fuck with people is fucking kino. Lets you see who the newfags are without even having to look.

>Can fuck vampire
>Can't fuck werewolf

Why is CDPR so racist

>talks about newfags
>uses the term "kino"

It kind of makes sense that Geralt would be in to beastiallitie though.

I have mixed feelings, while its funny, its kind of weird to put this in his "oh so serious introspective analysis and critique" video thats four fucking hours long

How much of these videos are even critique? The majority of these videos is just these people repeating themselves or retelling what happens in the game.

he does have critique elements, they are just saturated with three times as much content being devoted to narrating plot events

>oh so serious introspective analysis and critique
Lmao nigga calm down
Its a video about a shitty polish game from 2007, not the repainting of the Mona Lisa
There is nothing weird about shitty jokes in a youtube video
Just so long as the jokes aren't cringe its fucking fine

Joseph is the one who acts like his videos are akin to the Mona Lisa if anything

>How much of these videos are even critique?
Are you asking about video essayist in general or Joseph's vids?
If its the former then your being retarded and if its ghe later just watch one of his video to find out

I would say less then 30 percent is just recap in the longer ones
In the shorter ones its less then 5 percent

And how much of these videos are just him repeating himself?

Id fuck a Strigga, no homo.

No because I played through this game like 10 times and knew all the cards. The hag one is too similar to the in-game model to fool anyone who has played this game.

He did a better job offuscating the Alvin twist and making Jacques to be a shoehorned villain because i bet that was most of the players who speed played the game to get to the sequels.

>And how much of these videos are just him repeating himself?
Very little, maybe 3 percent
And most of that is him pointing out a how a the current subject plays into a previous discussed problem and either adding elaboration not appropriate for the earlier discussion or moves past it in like 3 seconds
He is nothing like Mueller, he actually knows how to fucking edit

You could just watch them for yourself if you want to know
On 2 time its only 2 hours
If you are on here posting about ecelebs then you can do it

No he doesn't, where have you ever seen him saying that or implying that?
The game isn't even comfortable with self promotion and stop taking patreon money for the last 2 months of making the witcher video cause he felt so bad about it

I don't know what game it is for, so yes.

You got any problem with that, faggot?

>posting percentages as if you've gone through his videos and calculated all of this

30% of 2 hours is 36 minutes.
You're asking me to watch a 2 hour review where 36 minutes of these 120 minutes are not actually a review.

>You're asking me
Nigga ain't no one aaking you for shit
I pull the 30 percent out of my ass
If you start watching the video (on 2 times speed, if you watch any video on 1x you have no life) and you find it boring then thumbs it the fuck down and leave
You dont have to buy a fucking ticket, you poor ass faggot
Just watch it and make up your own mine or don't

it fooled me because I played it several years ago and I never bothered checking for secrets.

You sound really upset over this.

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Im so mad bro
Just fuming

Did the sex cards make Geralt stupid?

no, because I didn't watch his 4 hour recap of Witcher 1 quests.

>Yas Forums: Danganronpa’s plot was stupid
>some grumbling here and there but mostly people agree
>JA: Danganronpa’s plot was stupid
>lmao retard you didn’t get it lol

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user the vampire was real

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