Monster Hunter
MH on the switch any good?
Yes its the 3ds game with better controls
i have a question, i noticed that sometimes a monster have something pierce like a rocket thing that give extra damage when hit, what weapon does that?
Gunlance’s Wyvern Blast.
The gunlance
Does butthurt brachy appear in investigations? Can you capture it?
Why is Teostra such a pain in the fucking ass
It is but gathering resources is a nightmare, I recommend a guide so you know how to progress
Yeah. 3U and 4U are still worth playing too because they have a bunch of exclusive monsters.
am I getting blind?
I seeing the letters of the menus and other shit kind of blurry
You can't capture it.
le epic blast dust
le epic run forwards
le epic stun buildup
*runs at you*
let's see those killscreens, lads
How does aggro work on Safijiiva?
Is Monster Hunter world a grind-y game? Like unjoyable levels of JRPG grind-y? I've wanted to play the franchise for a long time and I thought I'd start with the most popular one but I'm worried of spending money on a game I don't like.
dude really wants to be in anime
I mean it's very combat heavy so that 1700 hours is mostly you fighting monsters right? If that's true then that can be tolerable
It's grindy but in the process of grinding you have fun learning how to fight well
I've played a lotta Dark Souls and I'd say the only grindy part is doing covenant achievements since it depends on how good you are. I'm trash so getting achievements for helping people takes a long time and I'm borderline sick of it. MHW seems to prioritise individual skill development and isn't as multiplayer focused as Dark Souls. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
>kill him like 20 times yesterday
>no reactor
>kill him once today
>two reactors
RNG works in mysterious ways
It may be the biggest dps for a certain period of time but it seems weird since i play lance and got it a bunch of time.
Other safi mechanics I noticed while doing the quest and using a HP plugin:
-During the first phase, using one environnemental trap on safi seems to be enough to trigger a heal
-You only need to deal about 10% of safi hp to make him fuck off once the 1st area doesn't have energy anymore
-During the second phase, you need to bring down his hp at around 40-33% for Safi to heal
-For the second and third phase safi will only heals up to around 75% of his hp
-During the third phase, with no energy left and when low on health Safi will spam the nova after 4-5 moves
It's grindy but the gameplay is fun and there's a lot of variety to the grind plus a lot of skinner boxes to keep the grind satisfying
Just mod in the decos you need and the game doesn't have much grind, until endgame anyway.
Anyone wanna hunt on PC?
I almost never play multiplayer in Dark Souls and I play most quests in Monster Hunter with randoms so I would disagree with that assessment but I guess it can go either way
It's straight up just biggest DPS, unless you get it by flinch shotting her face
If you're getting aggro consistently that just means you're doing well or that your buddies suck
Ah but MHW is about you teaming up to take down a monster right? DS can be about that but alot of the appeal is PVP. PVP is 90% cancer since it's so easy to cheat, corrupt and softban other people but I enjoy it. You have to be careful so if I play online, I always backup my save. With Elden Ring coming out so soon, FromSoft and Bamco are giving zero fucks about unbanning people from a 4 year old game.
>Just mod in the decos
Kek, PCheat.
yeah there's no PVP in MH
If I play HH and I get threat quite a few times, should I be concerned?
I just want to doot in peace...
>nooooo you have to spend dozens of hours killing the same monster over and over
You sound like you have an inferiority complex over your choice of weapon, user