Do people even enjoy traditional turn based RPG games anymore?

Do people even enjoy traditional turn based RPG games anymore?

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>Pokemon the most popular IP on the planet
>Dragon Quest one of the the most popular RPG franchises in Asia
I dunno user, you tell me

Yes, but only the ones with genuinely good and strategic combat, not simple trash like Dragon Quest or Golden Sun.

Depends on the game but i am not interested in AAA turn based anymore, for me KH2FM is a good battle system for a 3d rpg.

no people just stopped playing pokemon.

Yes if they have actually fun and deep systems.

Pokemon is popular in spite of the games at this point.

I love any three or four niggas in a row game.

Turn-based games are actually fun when they let you, if you are really good, get to the end with a very low level

Also Persona is on the absolute peak of its popularity.

>That final boss after fighting those two cunts
That was a dirty move Golden sun

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>Pokemon sells millions
>DQ sells millions
>Persona sells millions
>Fire Emblem sells millions
nah, dead genre


yes, hopefully the fad of action rpgs dies soon

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Not just that, they prefer it over action RPGs.

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Man I can't wait for a third game

I like both.
Trials of Mana coming out next week will be fantastic, and I'm waiting patiently for Baldur's Gate 3. Can't stand Persona Games and FF7RE didn't appeal to me.

We're just pretending the new Dragon Quest, Pokemon, and Persona remake aren't doing well?

I love RPGs like SMT or EO where everything is a cakewalk until you misclick once and now half your party is dead half a turn later.

I enjoy it if it's in a dungeon crawler.

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Yes, especially if they have a diverse job system with classes you can mix and match

what game?

Only when they aren't dragon quest I enjoy them

No idea why but I can't get into dragon quest.

Abyss and Dark, Japanese only

I replayed beyond the beyond last month

Are you, by any chance, attracted to men? That could be the issue here.


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>Beyond the Beyond
why would you do that to yourself?

Is it the shitty music? I feel people subconciously
put more weight on a JRPG's music than they realize. And boy is DQ music bad.

I like it
last december I replayed hoshigami
I think I'll play lunar silver star story soon

I beat Lunar a bit ago, going to beat Lunar 2 shortly

i can only bother with it in megaten and drpgs

I don't like DQ either. Even though it's the mother of all RPGs I find them too generic.

yes, they're the only games i enjoy fuck off

Ask me how I know the only DQ game you've played is XI

I felt the same way after playing 4 on DS. Then I played 1 on my phone and I got hooked. 3 in particular is amazing.

Nope, haven't played XI. I've only played I-IV


Just about every DQ up to 8 did something pretty unique for it's time, and they've progressively added new mechanics as the series as gone on. I don't really understand the 'generic' complaint, I can't think of a single other franchise that feels like Dragon Quest


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Then you just have shit taste

I still enjoy all the types of games I used to play as a kid. I really never got into most things that are popular nowadays like military shooters and Fortnite. Really I felt like my interests really started deviating from everyone else's back in the early 00s. If it weren't for Nintendo and the Japanese and indie game companies I would hardly play any games at all

Please provide examples
Also checkem

Royal didn't sell, tho.