How do you feel about the second rise of virtual youtubers?

How do you feel about the second rise of virtual youtubers?

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Streaming is where its at.

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I like Korone so it's fine I guess

I dunno, how is this related to video games? Maybe if i know the relation between them i can give you an answer

Don't care about ecelebs, whether they are aimed at weebs or not.

they play video games

I like the dragon bitch. She hot as fuck.


I can't believe Korone's cat is fat

you keep shilling this retarded manchild garbage serveral times every single day. Please get a life you autistic loser

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homolive and niggersanji are cringe and full of EOPs
indie chuubas are nice

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i bet you play video games

Considering how much it makes 3D seethe, I'm all for it.

Pekora will stream MGS1 in 12+ hours btw

>3d show cleavage for attention and are caked in makeup. Dont actually play videogames, just break rules all the time
>2d play videogames and be slice of life characters
It's basically an improv anime sitcom with a videogame focus

>mfw 3d seethe over my existence

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God I want to kiss Pekora's soft, budding chest until her personality breaks down and she quivers in delight to my skilled lipwork.

where do you think you are?

>you have to watch garbage (not even play it yourself) to post on the VIDEOGAME BOARD

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you completely missed my point user

please stay on your containment board
thank you

i see, i get it now
but if i see retarded shit i have to point it out

as smart as a sushi belt!

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Tokyo U graduate!

>intentionally being this stupid for likes

cringe and fake

>Today she streamed for membership only
I will never know what i missed but not joining any Simp Club

Thats Korone in nutshell.
Want legit retardation like that and worse? Haato channel.
Haachama is too retarded for actually being fake

I dont care, its cute

I want to fuck the dog

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Cute retard!

Attached: TokyoU graduate btw.webm (960x540, 1.87M)

The rabbit and the monkey are crazy, somebody lock them up

>just e-thots but hiding behind poorly design anime

everything was fine until normieniggers found about them
worst part: vtubers are single handedly saving youtube streaming

name a better team
you can't

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Why are vtubers like this?

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It's better that incel cuck money gets funneled to the wallets of other men than roastwhores.

>second thread in a row
you are pushing your luck

like what?


Squirrel's first game stream was Stardew Valley which was nice.

Will check it out. Need more brainlet vtuber to feel better about myself

That's sexy as hell, context?

Why is she always hyperventilating?

Warning: old hag
Pirate lady is near 40 irl

>can't speak English
>can't speak Japanese
Is there anything she can do?

They all do that for some reason.

I like showing older women their place

still young enough to breed

I love her hyperventilating

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Cute squirrel.

Picked up

Her face bothers me so much when she looks to either side


I know what you mean but these atleast are all confirmed women.
Their managers and their big boss Yagoo takes a cut of donations after YouTube already tske up the 20%, they basically see less than half of the money their streams make in superchats so yeah, you donate to multiple men more than the vtuber herself

[Pants Rapidly]

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>>They all do that for some reason.
Who else?

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She was saving her brain power for this

>tfw no horny Asanagi reading Touhou sperg pirate hag gf

Getting dicked by Veradis after an Ac date