How's your villager hunting coming along?

How's your villager hunting coming along?

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>These are the types of people that play Animal Crossing

He looks like he doesn't want to go.

I swear this title has brought out the worst aspects of this series
>Turnip autism at an all time high
>Obsessions with all of your villagers being your favourites instead of just accepting who you get and growing to like them
>Retards asking for ridiculous amounts of Bells for their garbage because they know they can get away with it, making online trading almost impossible for people who aren't actively engaging in turnips or farming Nook Miles

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Then just play alone faggot.

Was looking for Ankha and found Pekoe. Pleased with this find. Still want Ankha though, and I don't give a fuck if contrarians are mad that she's popular. She's popular because she's designed well.

Got 2 gators in Sly and Boots, not sure who to kick

The only villager I really want is Drift, because I was bummed I didn't get him on my island on GCN

I got Rowan

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Hunting for Ankha.
Today I found Bob

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>Map rights
If you don't map lefts you're just going to go in circles

I had Drift as one of my 2 initial villagers. He's cool, but I feel there are better jocks

I want that cute rabbit

I'm not a coomer by any means but she showed up in my campsite

I didn't realize he's jock, that's kind of a bummer. I'd had to replace someone.

Not everyone is an ambiturner. Be a bit more considerate next time.

I don't know if there's a similar personality but all he does is stretch and exercise, talks about getting swole with you. (i dont think he actually said "swole" though)

I will never understand what goes through the minds of people who decide "I have ultimate creative power...Time to cover every surface available with political slogans and symbols!"

If someone did this with Qanon shit they'd look absolutely mental yet apparently when you do it with something left-leaning you get a free pass? I don't get it.

Why are trannies getting more and more common?

Q predicted this

at this point terf basically means women who won't fuck you

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This is all kinds of fucking wrong.

Not just political slogans and symbols, but that kind of freedom always results in mass amounts of garbage and lack of creativity. People who upload pictures for their flag, clothes, wallpaper, etc have no soul.

Custom drawing is half soul half soullless

using only the in-game patterns, wallpaper, etc is true soul. creativity from limitation

Considering the price for the card, Ankha should be S tier.

data from just some three random fucking people
its also pointless without names, and some random ass sprites made by a ho with an ass

Why do trannies always try to turn """lesbian"""?

That's what it's always meant

They're a very creative people.

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Put Kabuki in bottom of the barrel.

This is why the real chads duped the shit out of crowns and just ignore all the tedious money shit they implemented

>too ugly for gf
>need feminitiy in life
>play games as girl characters
>develop crossdressing fetish
>still attracted to girls though
>social media and lgbqzt tells you youre trans
>confuse your lack of sex, need for feminine presence, and crossdressing fetish for gender identity issue
>take hormones and surgery
>realize the pain and how it was actually just a fetish
>realize you just fucked up your entire life by crippling yourself, crippling your dick, and having to live with extreme pain and shame the rest of your life
>commit suicide

because when you're trans it's quite litterally the only thing they think about

>walks around aimlessly
>never has a thought bubble (probably doesn't even know how to think)
>has fleas every other day
>never does DIY shit
>nowhere to be seen during fishing event
>spoiled the twist of a book and pissed off another resident (surprised he can even read)
>sits on the ground to stare at a bench
The unfortunate thing about Wade is that I think he's too stupid to know how to move out.

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>made by women
why am i not surprised its shit?

I wanna fuck various villagers.

According to this, I have skipped several very and extremely popular villagers to invite "bottom of the barrel" ones

>Not Based


I love how degenerate and degrading this picture is. It captures the essence of NH.

>Thread isn't at all about transgender people
>Suddenly has people arguing about transgender people
Anyone who brings up transgender people on either side should just be straight up banned.

Moe's been nothing but a thorn in my cock, take him if he's so based

makes sense considering that trannies are just late stage incels

you're his caretaker now.

can a villager ask to leave twice? Or are you straight up screwed if you told them to stay already

Just secured my tenth the other day. How did I do? No resets. No amiibo.

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>>Thread isn't at all about transgender people
First post was a deleted with an image going 'Isabelle supports MAP RIGHTS' with a reply from an Isabelle LARPer going no, but Trans rights yes.

>Anyone who brings up transgender people on either side should just be straight up banned.
Since Yas Forums has proven itself incapable of ignoring bait, yeah.

Alright. Marshal is a whore but Lobo is based.

They do this because it pisses you sensitive fags off.

furries have truly ruined wolves, foxes, etc forever. cant look at any wolves in this game without thinking of furries dressing up and doing weird gay bestiality shit

I have a soft spot for Frobert, he was one of my Wild World buddies back in the day.


shit like corona exists because of animal fuckers like you

kicked spike out, used 7 nook tickets and found bob
now I just need to kick patty and friga out. I’m hoping I get cyd or tucker

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Something tells me this is more of a takes one to know one situation than a PTSD one.

The fuck is a terf?

Kick Kabuki out.

It's more irritation at people thinking it annoys people like me, but emotion elicited is emotion elicited.
Then you realize that, and it fades away.
Then you laugh.

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Insanely good starting villagers, Katt and Mott are both some of my favorites

hell no
kabuki is a bro


you have garbage tastes

You can dupe?