World at war

is this the best ww2 singleplayer fps campaign of all time?

>intermission cutscenes are enjoyable history lessons with footage to set the scene
>no forced diversity
>no women soldiers
>based pacific campaign
>based soviet campaign
>banzai attacks
>surviving the siege of Stalingrad
>planting the red flag on top of the Reichstag
>Kiether Sutherland

I can’t think of anything that comes close, though cod 2 has a great campaign

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you play as the bad guys tho

the soviets? I guess, but it’s still fun and it’s just history

ugh... back when vidya was based and redpilled and not cucked by (((them)))...

It really was great. The European theater had the interesting characters but the Pacific campaign had the much better more unique gameplay when it came to fighting the japanese

>two subbreeds of slavs fight a subhuman war
>the winner is the bad guy because...
Seethe continental, nothing east of the Rhine is white

It was definitely ONE of the best, but I do not think there's a defacto best WW2 campaign out there, simply because no matter how good/rich they are, they're all basically DUDE SHOOT NOTCHEZ LMAO.
Something that becomes pretty fucking stupid when the story tries to make statements about war, yet still has you shooting cartoon villains.

Got to say though, it literally is the last game made where killing nazis was done right. Everything since then has been pozzed to hell and back.

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>Veteran difficulty
Real fucking annoying dodging all those grenades

The first Call of Duty was the closest to showing you how it was being a soldier in a world war and not some supersoldier. And doesn't make the enemies out like cartoons


fuck off memer

No, I don't get the praise for this. It wasn't even as good as Modern Warfare. 1 is still the best CoD and that never looks like changing.

it was shit

The soviet campaign is trash and ruin the experience, especially with thay annoying communist propaganda poster boy screaming one liners every single minute. It doesn't even contain good missions

you've been consooming too much wehraboo soi. nazis were that cartoony.

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name 1 better WW2 fps campaign and name 2 better games in general then faggots

>It was definitely ONE of the best, but I do not think there's a defacto best WW2 campaign out there, simply because no matter how good/rich they are, they're all basically DUDE SHOOT NOTCHEZ LMAO.
>Something that becomes pretty fucking stupid when the story tries to make statements about war, yet still has you shooting cartoon villains.
Yeah it doesn't make sense, especially considering the average joe hated the jew just as much as any other European, and even if that wasn't the case only post war people will know about the camps

You absolute fucking mongoloid I literally said in my post CoD1.

this is bait, right?

World at war is the second best to pic related. I will say WAW is hands down the best call of duty though. Its cod 4, but with better maps and more content and a lot more soul

As for medal of honor airborne, I loved the open-ness of the objectives for each mission and how you always started off parachuting down. It's the closest a game has made me feel to being in a legitament fire battle

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I thought you meant MW 1 okay I’m sorry

>Murder his children because he didn't want them to live in a non nazi world
It seems like you have consoomed too much (((Hollywood)))
Would you rather poison your children or let them be raped and killed by the soviets ?

the soviets didn't do shit to the civilian survivors of that bunker. do your homework before you snap to shitpost

Based MoH Airborne poster, absolutely underrated game

Bad thing they didn't ask them first then

We have to remember vidya is a business and to function it needs sales.
There are some staples that guarantee at least some amount of profit, one of which is shooting MUH EBUL NOTCHEEZ. Then a dev comes along looking to make something alternative, a bit more authentic. A product needs to sell which means not upsetting potential customers with unconventional presentation.

Rest of a full blown love project that just wanted to impress and make a statement, everything has to conform in one conventional form or another ESPECIALLY when publishers are involved with their corporate theatrics and focus groups. So we end up with those 2 clashing thematics: devs trying to balance an alternative experience with a commercially viable product.

Feels bad man.

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Not to mention it had the best Zombie maps

Literally none but Himmler and the wizard and cats shit is comical or embarassing. Developing morphine dependency was common for veterans of WW1
"Without consulting Hitler" is Hitler saving face when diplomacy plan fails, you gotta be a fucking retard not to understand that
r/SWS running low on material ?

you don't think causing your own assassination because you wanted to LARP as a tough guy isn't comical?

Unfortunately I only ever got to play CoD3 back on the Xhuge, so I wouldn't know.
By the way, the narrator is the same dude who voiced the codex entries from the Mass Effect games!

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is it even possible to be this wrong?

Not only were the missions and nuanced portrayal (for call of duty, anyway) great, but it linked directly into their poor man's mgs/spy thriller series.

>no forced diversity
>no women soldiers
lol I can picture the pale white manchild typing this out thinking he's hot shit. Have fun living in your fantasy land.

How's battlefield V doing nowadays? Oh wait.....

>election migrants upset they can't have their cinematic FPS garbage be from the nazi's perspective

Just watch movies lmao, just watch stalingrad or that more recent tv series
just hold a controller in your hands while watching it and pretend it's the new based as fuck FPS

I don’t know man, I consider myself a liberal but frontline female soldiers showing up in COD: WW2 really put me off, and is what got me back into WaW

>Implying Yas Forums wasn't always like this

it's a mindset

It's such fucking bullshit. V was finally reaching decent levels and then fucking dice was like "whoops that was a bit too good, have to make it shit again" then released their TTK bullshit again. Battlefield will never be good again.

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I agree. If you set it in the future and you want to include women soldiers then fine, can't really complain. But anything based on historical battles like that I'd prefer to be historically accurate. For modern day stuff like MW/MW2... eh, I guess it's fine. Women in armed services aren't super common these days but it is at least allowed so it's plausible.

To be fair though I do believe women served in the Soviet army in WWII though so if you want to shoehorn any in that would've been the campaign to do it. I still don't think it was terribly common there but it did at least happen. Of course even in a WWII Soviet setting you still can't have some super-progressive modern-ish type women because that'd be out of place in that time.
You can make the alternate history argument I suppose but as a matter of personal opinion I generally dislike alternate history games and would generally prefer realism.

Based game

New ww2 rts when?
COH2 is getting stale.

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>new moh battle royale game confirmed