Be a girl. ( An actual girl, not a "girl" on the internet). Games are a main part of my life...

>be a girl. ( An actual girl, not a "girl" on the internet). Games are a main part of my life, nothing mystical about me besides that.
>I meet someone that seemed interesting. I knew he was a "gamer".
>We started talking. I told him I play mostly on the PC. It was like he didn't even listen to what I have just said. He went on and kept talking about his games.
>Later, I found out he doesn't even play on the PC. Only some MOBAS and MMOs. He is mostly into console games.

Ok, you people make fun of us girls all the time, and I think it is justified most of the time. But when you are a guy and you only play console games, it is ridiculous.

How can you feel so superior if all you play are games intended for teens on their thirteens?

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Other urls found in this thread: Games are a main part of my life/

favorite flavor?

computer games are too hard for some people due to learning curve on mouse and keyboard.

post vagine

>be a "girl"
>an "actual girl"

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Tits or GTFO

X Doubt

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You know how it is user...
Tits or GTFO
That's the law, we can't do anything about it, sry.

sanae a sloot

what """"""""""""""""""""real"""""""""""""""""""" games do you play fucking dumb hipster faggot?


added to filter Games are a main part of my life/

Most "gamers" are casual as fuck, hell there the 50% only play mobile games, and that's even worse


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>no you have to conform to playing games on the platform I want otherwise you're deemed as a loser
Oh yeah, you're a girl alright, and a total bitch too.

In all fields.

>How do I manage to feel superior to someone that judges people entirely on where they play their video games
It's really not that hard.

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>learning curve on mouse and keyboard
I played only console games until I was around 10 and 10-year-old me picked up mouse and keyboard just fine. Does the learning curve mainly come into play for older people who have been playing with controllers their entire lives?

>only play console games
>plays the two most time and life-consuming genres on PC
dumb fuckin roastie

I don't think anyone on this board is console-only.

Yas Forums isn't your personal blog.


This is bait right? Pc games are designed for teens and not the other way around. You think games like csgo and mobas are played by adults?

What a boring story, how is this impoartant. Do "women" know how to tell actual stories?

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Does this look like your WordPress bitch. Show ur titties.

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That's not true. I know people who browse Yas Forums and only have a console.

>no you have to conform to playing games on the platform I want otherwise you're deemed as a loser
That is literally Yas Forums-incarnate. It is your chance to get your very own Yas Forums-girlfriend. Don't miss your chance.

Wut? I find it much harder to play something with a controller.

It's more telling of Yas Forumsirgins here than "women", honestly
Have you seen the threads lately? Unironically yikes

tfw this pasta is older than most of the board at this point

t. consolecuck

Majority of Yas Forums do not agree with us idorts, I'm afraid

No one cares about your stupid bait blogpost.


Show tits

Real vidya players play whatever the fuck they want without caring much about what other people think.
Being elitist over what you consume makes you come off as a huge faggot.

threads like these make me laugh.