This is the perfect video game

This is the perfect video game.

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I agree user and will leave it at that

Thanks man

Hey dumbass, what color is the sky up there?

>that mission where they chant the peace song of Razgriz


No, no it isn't. But it's close


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What an absolute CHAD villain

Post screenshots dumbasses

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It's not even the best game in it's series and music aside Ace Combat is stale as fuck.

It's really damn good.

Ah yes, DCSfag has arrived on time.

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>Have to either nail the slippery as fuck SLUAV or try to run away from it while Torres is yelling one-liners

Nah; it's an extremely mediocre game even among its own series that only gets a free pass due to a decade long hiatus between entries.

Try and deny that music and graphics aside the games are very similar to each other.

They play nothing alike, you cretin.

The plot is a fucking mess.

The tech tree / money grind sucks.

Pain in the ass to aim my free fall bombs because the camera doesn't automatically point downward.

I honestly enjoyed flying with the angels better.

>Trying to nail the SLUAV in a Fullback while Rage & Scream are going apeshit on comms

Fucking hell.

The fuck has DCS got to do with this

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This is bait right? Megaman games, Doom games, Castlevania games ... they tend to be similar to each other ...
You know what, shut the fuck up. U baiting

Do I need to play the other games first before trying Ace Combat 7 out?

This. It also relies heavily on "remember this?" shit like Belka and Stonehenge

Let's be honest here: there is no way to top Zero so there was no point on reviving the series.
Sometimes dead is better, leave when you're on the top so you're fondly remembered.

Yes. The series is extremely heavy on the continuity side so if you don't play at least 4, 5, Zero and the remake of 2 you aren't going to understand shit. Think about it like jumping into Mass Effect 3 without playing 1 and 2 first.

It could be achievable if they remade 3.

You'll probably be able to follow along, but you'll miss a lot of connections.

I was thinking of getting this game tomorrow on my ps4, it's on sale rn for $20 standard, $30 with DLC. I usually play my games on PS4, but I was wondering if it's more of a PC game.

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Only 5. Works perfect emulated.

Frame rate is better on PC. Otherwise no difference. Buy it with DLC.

Go with the PS4 version; it's a console game that was ported to PC by mistake.

Is it possible to still play infinity?
I have a cfw PS3

>for $20 standard, $30 with DLC
Didin't the game come out a few months ago? oh nononoonono