Animal Crossing, FF7 and Resident Evil 3 having shortages in the U.S

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>buying physical
Do Americans really?


How cute

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what do you expect from a country that uses microwave to boil water and stores their shoes inside a fridge?

>stores their shoes inside a fridge
I thought everyone did this

Digital exist guys

Yeah, it's super common. I also keep my rare games in the over.

>some literal nobody on twitter thinks he's an "analyst"
why even post this?

>letting your shoes get warm
Yurotard education everybody

Wowie its hard to find popular physical video games during a global quarantine? Holy cow!

Yeah because our cardboard houses can fit all of them just fine.

There's really no point in physical FF7, it's going to be like $20 new within a year and you have to keep an install disk around. Animal crossing just wears out the cartridge slot when you flip to it for 10-20 minutes to gather your daily fossils

What the fuck is wrong with Yas Forums retards?

Yes, so did blockbuster. No one cares about rental services in the long run.

>buying switch games digital

i dont buy shit unless its real
paying for a download is stupid , may aswell pirate

so is my semen but you dont hear me tweeting about it

I'm not gonna lie, I want to bite that grilled cheese

How will boorgers consoom now

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Physical games nowadays are glorified download codes with the exception of switch games

>buying switch games

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Thank god I didn't fall for the anti pre-order propaganda.

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i dont buy those shitty games with a download code either

When you selectively only buy kinos, there's a nice feeling of lining up your collection on a shelf. Costs the same as digital so why not have something physical.

>When you selectively only buy kinos
>2 remakes and a rehash

>LMAO guys have i mentioned that i pirate yet?!?! Yea i‘m a BASED pirate, i pirate games because i am such a cool pirate.

>twitter post
who gives a fuck? Stop using social media you retarded normalfag

I used to not care about physical/digital, but I thought about it and with physical you're at least getting something that will retain a portion of its value in the future.

>implying I bought Re3 demake and søycrossing

There's always the option to resell the game. Can't exactly do that with digital. Unless you're selling the whole console or account.

>mad because someone pirates nintendo games
yikes and grunge

>buy a ps4 game
>have to do an update that‘s 10 gigs and install the whole game
>buy a switch game
>no installs, put the cartridge in and play like it should be
>if there are any updated at all, they are minor and you‘ll be fine without updating at all
I‘m not talking about these 3rd party games that have mandatory downloads cause the game is too big

I have a hacked switch myself it‘s just fucking cringe when people feel the need to always bring up that they pirate even though it isn‘t relevant at all

>ah yes this mass produced disc with copy paste data on it sure will be valuable