How do we fix WoW?

How do we fix WoW?

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Make it anime-stylized mobile mmorpg

Trans Alliance race, Aesexual Demihuman for Horde.

remove timegating, remove demon hunters, playable vrykul, factions combined and with a neutral merc mode that works like timeless isle censer.

high elves, ogres


Make the old world as nice as the new zones.

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Someone will say this is soulless despite the art and sound design being the only good parts of WoW left.


Make the expansion center around guilds so people actually fucking talk to each other and socialize

>Alliance: Furbolg
>Horde: Gnolls
Fixed :^)

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Blood Elves have blue eyes now.

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They have a bunch of eye colors now, which I guess re-canonized the RPG lore that their eyes reflect whatever magic they use most? Unless they literally didn't bother explaining why Blood Elves get all kinds of eye colors now, including heterochromia.


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Gotta start using the updated character creation screen, OP.

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Alliance niggers and trannys
Horde chads and nazis

The sides are too dark. Just needs to be little brighter.

Undead and worgen are the two races currently without a subrace/skeleton reuse. Clearly the two races are gonna be skinny pirate npc and evil snake guy.


The three races without Allied Race are Undead, Worgen and Pandaren. It's practically guaranteed that there'll be some kind of Light-infused undead, it's a toss-up on which faction will get those. That leaves the Worgen as the only faction-specific race to not get an Allied Race yet. There's two races using that skeleton, the snake people from BfA and the cat people from WoD.
Prepare for even more furry bait.

DEath Knights

>Horde has more races
never thought they'd be so lazy they wouldn't even bother making races in pairs anymore

There's going to be no 8.3.5 and no launch races.

They aborted the last allied race and we'll find out in like 4 years.

Don't forget to add gacha

Worgen and Kul Tiran aren't on the UI yet in that picture.

playable female naga

I'd come back to the game if they released playable gnolls.

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The trouble is the cat guys and the snake guys both fit into the alliance about as badly as orcs. Snake guys are closely tied to trolls and vulpera, and owe a lot to the horde. The cat guys on the other hand are about as clever as gnolls, hostile barring a single NPC and extinct in all but an alternate past dimension that can no longer be reached.

the visuals arent soulless but the way the world is designed, desnity of mobs questing structure and types of quests is absolutely soulless

Saberon fled into the Barrens after WoD.

remove mechagnomes from existence and add a "did you actually read the fucking guidebook" button on raid finder

They rebuilt the dark portal, swam across the great sea and fled into horde territory? Then what?

There's no way they're going to re-make the old zones like EK/Kalimdor. Especially with the way the new player experience goes:
>Exiles Reach 1-10 (new player experience)
>BFA zones 10-50 (new players forced through BfA content instead of legacy)
>Shadowlands zones 50-60
All the older expansions have been relegated to the "legacy bucket" with Chromie. If they did an Outland 2.0 / WotLK 2.0 / etc and touched up the zones, added new story/dungeons/raids to match the current game, and added things that were cut such as the Azjol'Nerub zone from Wrath, maybe they would make them as nice as the new zones.

The reason that slot is empty is because they had planned on snake people being horde and holy undead being alliance
The large amount of negative feedback from alliance in regards to almost all their allied race choices is to blame

I had heard that they were making any expansion zone viable to level in?

>Alliance giving negative feedback on ______ has led to it being cut

what said.

The teleport that brought the Mag'har Orcs to Azeroth also brought in the cat people and plant people.

Alliance could use a dumb, tribal race.

who the fuck said this is remotely acceptable

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Yes, but not for new players. Players with max level characters can choose whatever place they want to level in.

Yeah, for anybody that has played the game before, you can choose where you want to level. I was just mentioning the new player experience. As an existing player you can:

>1-10 in Exiles Reach / Racial Starting Zones
>10-50 in BC / Wrath / Cata / MoP / WoD / Legion / BfA
>50-60 Shadowlands

>DK / DH start at lvl 8
>Allied Races start at lvl 10

Panda wives for everyone

>TFW you level in Mount Hyjal
So fucking stupid. Power creep ruined this game.

To be fair, the Alliance's allied races were shit save for the dark iron dwarves and male kultirans. They got shafted big time in that department, especially considering the Horde's allied races were much better in comparison. Having yet another human race while the Horde got something interesting would have made the situation even worse.

Boo-fucking-hoo, my Undead has had all her new armour ripped up the moment it's equipped for the last 16 years.

Don't know, guess we'll find out when they're announced as an allied race.

That character is missing 3 pieces of armor entirely despite it being equipped. That's pretty different from Undead.

They don't care. They're literally letting Blood Elves be ebony pornstars now despite it being well known lore that they are all white and of fair complexion, ignoring tanning.

It's crazy. Right now, a freshly dinged lvl 120 has around 50k hp. Characters in Ny'alotha gear have like 450k+ hp.

How fast is leveling through Battlegrounds with the exp buff going on? I have friends playing again and it's making me consider re-subbing to level alts through BGs.

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>Horde's allied races were much better in comparison.

>Nightborne look like Chinese rip-offs of the actual Nightborne
>Highmountain are just Tauren with antlers instead of horns.
>Mag'har are just Orcs with a different skin colour
>Zandalari Trolls got turned into black panther niggers
>Vulpera are furry bait

>DK/ DH start at lvl 8

fucking lol. get rekt.

WoW is such a shitty clusterfuck that an Age of Sigmar style reboot actually sounds appealing.
>planet explodes
>all the players and important lore characters get recycled as cosmic super soldiers or something
>new faction war is Light vs. Shadow fighting over entire worlds with cataclysmic consequences