Terraria: Journey's End


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Oof, man I don't know if I can wait 2 months for this.

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3 months just feels so far away

>4 fucking months

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4 months to go. I can't wait

6 months is too much for me lads...

>it's real

>9 months

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What do you think the new journey difficulty is for? Is it the creative mode they've been talking about?

question, is journey retard dificulty? if I make my world on master will that be hardmode from the start?

Jour(nalist) difficulty
Master mode is literally expert mode with stat changes, they didn't add anything new to it.

thank you friend

It's for journalists

>they didn't add anything new to it.
2 exclusive (not weapon) drops per boss on master.

Source? Haven't heard of this.

Hold on boys I'm currently setting up a server. Just a few more minutes.

Master mode, a setting which increases the difficulty of the game even further than Expert mode.[forums 2] It enhances the stats of enemies and features two exclusive drops per boss, which are neither weapons nor accessories.[discord 24]

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and then she clarified further

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>3730187819334 Planck's
Fuck bros...

Then it will probably just be clothes


I just wanted peeps to know that they did add something to it other than more challenge.

I kinda gave up after I beat that wall thing in the lava zone

everything else just seemed like autism

>master mode wall of flesh

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>Master mode has 2 unique drops per boss
>They're not weapons or accessories

I honestly don't know if I want to slog through master mode for some dyes and decorations.

Journey's End Vanity Contest has had its finalists released, get voting for what you want to see in the game.
>he didn't vote for the TV Head

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do we have any info on how hard it is going to be?
i hope the every boss is upgraded to challenge endgame characters.

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>MAX HEADROOM not on the screen
One job.

That looks like absolute trash.

are you retarded?

How many will make it into the game, just 1 set?

Beenades and/or TNT

Server's Up bois

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