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LaCroix is a cute twink

>Penises penises not enough penises I have to suck them all ooohh more penises penises in my every orifice!

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It's like becoming a vampire makes you horny 24/7. I never understood that.


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Stop drinking from bats you stupid fucks

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Read the original source material. It's all batshit crazy. I'm going through Kindred of East right now and the writers claim that half of Thailand has AIDS and that Mao Zedong's wife was a oWo fox girl who sleeps beneath her dead husband's bones. That's just the minor stuff too.

I can give page numbers for anyone who doubts me.

how much do you guys want to bet the kuei jin had something to do with the poisoning our drink supply in new york ?

>Reality got the Kuei-Jin ending

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and the anarchs are their willing pawns



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> The results are obvious: a frightened rural population under the thumb of Bangkok vice lords, and a host of sexu-ally transmitted diseases ravaging natives and tourists alike. Nearly half the country has or is expected to have HIV by the end of the millennium. Individuals who ignore govern-ment proscriptions regarding movement and interactions of people with HIV or full-blown AIDS land in a special “leper” colony and detention center, where they presumably waste away in captivity.

Page 177

> During Mao’s life and the height of his power, the people of China used to say that his wife, Jiang Qing, was actually a fox-spirit. For the Kuei-jin, it is no rumor. Many, including Ancestor Ch’ang, believe that Jiang Qing survived her life sentence and still wanders Beijing to this night. She is reported to make her home in the mausoleum itself, under the body of her former husband, away from the prying eyes of mortals. The impact of this possibility is devastat-ing to Ch’ang and the rest of the Kuei-jin in Beijing: Jiang is said to feed off the corrupting Chi that wells forth from the ill-placed structure, where she grows ever more powerful in dark magics.

Page 167

I haven't even mentioned how the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were masterminded by Asian demon lords or an entire sect of mages that are men who turned into women after having their legs chopped off. Yeah, I said legs, not their dicks. It's a thing.

nobody asked

>around this time last year we had hourly new threads about bloodlines 2
>nowadays it's not only confirmed trash but also delayed indefinitely

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The other poster tacitly asked when they brought up the insane la creatura shit. Shitposting about WoD is a decades old tradition at this point.

>tacitly asked

>appealing to trump era ideals
no one is surprised

>confirmed trash
haha epic



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What is it about the female Tremere that leaves me wanting to gently kiss her cold anus?

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>TFW my college had a VmB LARP group

I went to like two sessions and never went back. I didn't even like LARP'ing, but had some friends who were into it. Awkward as fuck,but man did the people get into their roles. I mean, I thought I had pretty high autism and awkardness levels, but these people were on a different level. One dude's character didn't even talk. He just sat in a chair and stared at people. Another dude basically made his living room into like a secret hideout and only people he invited in could talk with him, and he served wine.

Pretty sure he was trying to get the girls drunk. He was a douchebag.

He means that the game is going to be explicitly pro-Trump, with the dindu nuffin Camarilla building a wall to keep out the Kuei Jin chinks, but the bleeding heart Anarchs keep bitching and moaning about their socialist bux. It's all really bold stuff.

Is the shitty sequel out yet?

holy shit
based and preordered

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When you have a game line that combines a bunch of "woe is me" bullshit with "I'm a secret supernatural badass," it's going to attract a lot of spergs and shitheads. Every game line has their own shitty fanbase segment though.

Werewolf refugees culturally enrich racist White ghouls while Silicon Valley Technocrats try to bluepill you into believing Anarch lies. Excited for the Changeling otherkin and their diaperfur orgies.

yea 1 had such great combat

Best part was how Thamaturgy was so broken that a basic discipline could three-shot the Sheriff at the endgame. I still don't understand how that worked. For some reason the damage scaling was completely fucked up in that one specific boss fight and nowhere else.

hush tranny

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>the previous game had shitty combat so they shouldn't make any effort to improve it for their long awaited sequel!

fucking retard

He drops the gun immediately after running out of ammo, because in Bloodlines 2, there is no inventory, and you can not keep weapons. You find weapons, like a power-up, and then use them up in the space of a single level. I don't believe you can even carry them across loading screens.