Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

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me in the right

Is the one on the left an orc or a half-orc?

What's with the large nose in the bottom right?

A man in a dress

no he's just a white man

double orc.


Attached: orc.jpg (606x680, 61.58K)

you'll not speak that way about the first transgender president of the United States, thank you very much
I remember what a piece of shit he was before transitioning but it's illegal to mention any of that

Yas Forums loved femOrcs till they saw one in real life huh

Yas Forums alt-right incels BTFO

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jesus christ this country is doomed


trannies are mentally ill


I will only respect troons if one of them forces Anita to wax their balls.

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>virtue signal point circle jerk
Oh boy. How brave.

>same picture gets reposted for months
>oh my god what happened to america were fucked

I fucking hate trannies.

>6,4k replies
absolutely seething lmfao

Choke holds are allowed in wrestling?

He literally went tranny to fit in among women, and that happens only out of fear. One day hell realize that he was bamboozled, but damage is done. Or cock cut off.


I'm way more liberal than this place but how in the holy fuck do you allow people to compete based off their chosen gender and not their biological one? Even if girls take test and the dudes have to regulate levels the men will still be stronger, EVEN IF THEY ARE TEENS, IT'S BASIC PHYSIOLOGY.

And how the fuck did they let this fly in fucking Texas? This, quite literally, marginalizes women.

>Men get to win at everything even women competition

I love it. Even bitch ass trannies dab on women. I'm sure that's not an expected outcome for some.

>be a boy
>call yourself a tranny
>get to grab girl tites and pusy without repercussion
fucking based

as a tranny: TLDR . hons/troons deserve no respect and will never get any either. People will pretend to respect them for virtue signalling points but in their minds they will always see nonpassers like that as the freaks they are. Im so fucking glad i didnt go through a proper male puberty.

The tranny in that pic is an FTM, aka a biological woman who started taking testosterone. Because texas ruled that they will always be a woman and cannot compete against men (like they wanted to) they completely crushed women they competed against. None of you had 2 brain cells to rub together in order to realize how fucking stupid you are.

hey, look at me. I am the woman now.

Reminder that trannies are just cultists. If people were allowed to live as their true selves, as either tomboys or femboys, they would be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, sometimes they get groomed into thinking they have problems that don't exist and that it can only be "treated" with drugs and bodily mutilation. But in reality, no one is ever happy when they "transition". It's just a meme that ruins lives. The tranny fad needs to die and people need to start accepting and loving themselves for who they really are. Natural traps and tomboys who don't get tricked into taking damaging hormones or getting heinous surgeries are always a million times happier and more attractive than these tranny abominations. If you support or enable trannies in any way, you are not a good person. You are part of the problem. Trannies are an active death cult that recruits through bullying, gaslighting and harassment. They go out of their way to make people feel uncomfortable with their true selves so that they feel more dependent upon the tranny cult and its backhanded encouragement. If you have any love for tomboys or androgynous men, or if you just don't like seeing people get hurt, it's your job to speak out against trannyism and point out the damage it causes. It's not a real sexuality. It's not a real identity. It's not even a real mental illness. It's simply a dangerous fad started by fetishists and enabled by politically obsessed sycophants, and it needs to be stopped before more people ruin their bodies and their lives.
It's happening in every sport. It's ridiculous. Soon biological girls aren't going to win at anything if this retarded shit will continue.

How did the world get so absurdly retarded?


not gonna lie but the mixed girl getting choked is cute

>I think I'm quite gorgeous
Okay Yas Forums can we be real for a sec? Why is the answer to "ugly people shouldn't be shamed" not "just don't shame them" instead of "ugly doesn't exist, everyone is beautiful in their own way"? Why are we trying to make people feel good about looking different instead of just making them not feel actively bad about it? Is anyone really buying the idea that societal standards of beauty are so flexible?

absolute unit

this is how gamers are rising up...

I'm citing limited information. Still, they retarded.

how obsessed with race are you exactly

Good ol' shame doesn't hurt. If you love yourself "for who you are", chances are, you'll remain a piece of shit for good.

>has been going around Yas Forums
Sounds like something someone who browses Yas Forums would know, eh "Charlotte"?

how exactly is woman on hormones considered a tranny then?

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Good, so i can kill the horrible creature on the left.

>Somebody thought this was good enough to copypaste

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Imagine not supporting trans rights

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>tfw you mix up your estrogen and testosterone

Be honest, is this thread mostly CDPR marketing team?

What are you even asking? Men who take estrogen and women who take testosterone are completely different. The trannies in your picture are men who took estrogen but if you knew anything about the endochrine system you would know that estrogen does not reverse the effects of testosterone, thus the trannies in your picture will always have a huge advantage because their specific male puberty gave them quite a lot of bone changes.

Some boys who take estrogen end up not looking like that as their puberty did not change their bones as much.

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>the heritage foundation

So what the fuck are 'trans rights' anyway?
Right to mutilate genitals of newborn children?
Oh wait, mutts already support circumcision.

>just taking steroids
Yeah, that makes it OK.

What rights do trannies need?

the right to be placed in a fully re-instituted insane asylum

i support trans rights

and assisted suicide

>Is anyone really buying the idea that societal standards of beauty are so flexible?
Is it that hard to buy when you see all the shit taste on display on this board?

everything he said is true, so i'd say it's a great pasta.

>just taking steroids
no, they took the amount of testosterone required to have roughly the same amount that you have in your body naturally.

Technically, it's always mixed in women. A lot more testosterone, more like.

Not only bone but muscle density and how their muscles work in the first place.

Based and truthpilled.

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