Itt games that only you played

itt games that only you played

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Nobody else browsing Yas Forums right now has played this game

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I had this. It was fucking awful IIRC.

Strange. I remember it being fun.

I recall playing it for like 60 stages and wondering when the fun started. Very boring and repetitive.

That was a good game. What was Suda 51's last game?

I recall playing it for 1 stage and thinking this is the funnest gamecube game i have ever played.

Ok retard.

gg, ez

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I remember this being fun

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I've played these
No one has played smashing drive though

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Before TSA it was NMH1

Only Mission 1, though; 2 and 3 eluded me at the time.

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This is the latest. It was a good game style and atmosphere wise but let down by controls and camera.

Nope, played all the expansions too.

I really hope no else played this

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I maybe see the rare thread here about the mainline games, but never discussion of the PSP spinoffs like pic related

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bro that's alien shooter isnt it?
I used to play it at a friends house back in school

>games that only you played
Thanks for the laugh user.

Is that SOCOM by any chance?
I remember trying it and not liking it very much

He co-directed Fatal Frame 4 the year after NMH1. I'm honestly a bit confused why Nintendo likes him so much.

yep you got it
I played it on wildtangent a few times

I think he's personal friends with Sakurai so he might have other friends in the company as well.

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He directed Travis Strikes Again and is doing No More Heroes 3, too.


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I've actually played and finished it. One of my favs.

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Holy shit I completely forgot about MyBrute. I recognized this screenshot and had to reverse image search to even figure out how I recognized it.

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Great game and was the sequel. Waited so long for Rainbow Rescue despite not coming to the US. (Yeah the gba is region free and emulators exist, but I was a dumb kid then and didn't have the knowledge.)

mine got guessed so here's another one

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I didn't just play it, I 100%'d it.
It does not hold up to trying to AAA rank it, you see how bad the combat really is and how worthless 90% of options are. Also making you sit through two cutscenes for every one of the nurse challenges.

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Yes, Fireteam Bravo 3. Which one did you not like? If you are talking about the PSP games, 3 of them are TPS's and 1 of them is a real-time squad strategy game like Full Spectrum Warrior