Early Morning AC thread

Good morning Ravens.

Let's discuss Armored Core and other mecha games.
> Where did multiplayer-bro go?
>Favourite game
>Favourite core
>What kind of build are you running?
>Quads vs Biped

There was supposed to be some multiplayer going this morning, anyone around for that?

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I'm getting absolutely fucked by The Last Raven. I've cleared the entire arena but I straight up do not have the ammo to win in any mission that requires that I duel an enemy AC in addition to any other objectives. I have two rifles and an EO core, and it's still just not happening.

What went wrong?

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Never played LR. Isn't that supposed to be the hardest game in the PS2 series?

A bit off topic, but anyone else find mecha using melee weapons stupid?

it is but is on the cusp of bullshitery due to the amount immunities and resistances many ravens have because of FROM said so
drop one of those rifles and use a bazooka

rule of cool

It's worse than that, I'm playing the PSP version because it emulates better. So I have a little less functionality on top of everything else and they didn't cut the difficulty for it whatsoever.

>Never had one
>Hard split between Last Raven and Verdict Day
>Verdict Day's "scrap" ACs
>Mid-ranged, mid-weight, burst focused AC, both in Last Raven and Verdict Day
>Bipeds in both.

It was a tribute to the series, instead of a spiritual successor. That's why.
That's a (You) problem.

>he dosent exclusively equip CQC weapons

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.06.27 - (1920x1080, 2.36M)

Mechs who don't fly high and fast for a sustained amount of time is way dumber than that in my opinion. A mecha shouldn't be less efficient than an airplane who can go from point a to b extremely fast to deliver extremely powerful bombs.

Do you find the Front Mission games satisfying for your mecha urges?

>Favourite game
>Favourite core
Design and size wise the ACV kind honestly, if only they weren't literally piece of garbage that can't even gain altitude with their booster alone.
Performance wide obviously the Nexts win but they're too big
>What kind of build are you running?
Max energy + speed
>Quads vs Biped
Depend on terrain and loadout

Absolutely. I like all the games

I find sustained-flight mecha less fun for some reason. You lose sight of the scale and there's less nuance to always-flying compared to making rapid decisions going between grounded combat and aerial.

I get that too, yeah

Last Raven
I forget
Biped Boost Swordbro hurr

>different college
>White Glint
>meme dual plasma blade

they're fun but the gameplay is so different that it doesnt really scratch the same itch

When are we getting a new game like these ones? DxM is not enough to fill the void.

At 5pm Pacific we'll be playing 4A, get ready everyone

PS3? Oh wait, shit... I lost my save data, so I don't have any mechs.

That's OK, if you wanted to play you could just use one of the stock ACs

Anyways, yeah, you guys are playing on PS3 or Xbox? I might be able to use one of the stock ACs given if I can configure the controls to my liking.

PS3 mainly but there might be xbox people ITT

PS3 I think

>tfw no more mecha or mechs

Alright, then let me quickly get on and slap around with a stock AC.

I'm still mad.

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>new AC announced
>it's a souls clone

I wouldn't be that mad, but I would still dislike it.

It fucking hurts.

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