Have you ever gotten utterly screwed over by a video game?

Have you ever gotten utterly screwed over by a video game?

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She bought?

dump eet

>14 mins
Give me a tl;dw

The first 30 seconds explain it better than anyone


Even after wastelanders it is absolute trash.

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>let me just advertise my favorite vr tranny


Do autists really watch fat girls larping as an anime character play games?

I can understand simping at least but this is just fucking bizarre.

All the time. My best swordsdwarf in Dwarf Fortress just died on an infected wound.

We're so autistic we know who's fat and who's not IRL.

Matsuri is actually pretty cute irl. Tfw no qt Matsuri gf to read comic LO with.

Why is something like this in a kids game?
Are japs really that obsessed with gambling?

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For me, its Suisei.

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Not autistic enough to be shitting up threads you don't like 24/7 seriously that faggot is in all these threads hurling the same shit.

Well whatever thanks for keeping it on the front page I suppose.

Sorry man you're right. I'm gonna go make another Smash roster thread.

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>didnt dupe to max integer bells


>Animal Crossing
>kids game
Slice of Life is mainly targeted towards adults.

Sui-chan is a dirty shotacon!


why is this allowed? is it because she is a girl?

If there ever was a thing I really really wanted in life, it would be to read lolidoujinshi with my favorite lolipedo princess.
Maybe even do one too.

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Pretty sure it really wasn't...

One would think is against the board rules but jannies are so bad in reading more than the thread title to do something about it.

For me, it's the Giga-Stacy American Doragon

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She has such a lovely voice youtube.com/watch?v=WsMGZENPcK8

why aren't you watching pekora gear right now?

Is this the power of bilingual vtubers?

I have no idea what in that video should be illegal in your twisted mind?

Nothing she said is wrong though, imagine her saying the exact same thing about milfs, it doesn't mean she's raping them or anything of the sort, is the same logic, there is no difference between liking lolis or milfs.

I do wonder what her mom thinks about it.

geez and i thought using all nook miles to get the 30 iron nuggets only to end up being short 1 was a struggle

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>You cannot enter the lobby because it is full
Did they really only add one lobby per rank per region?

delicious anime loli tears