Where is Animal Crossing Thread you nerds

Post SW codes an shit you want to trade

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is there any knight themed shit in the game by the way? like a sword in the stone or something? want to make a little medieval section of my island

Animal crossing really helps me cope with my gender dysphoria. I can't get my bottom surgery done till next year ,but at least I'm filling out nicely.

Random question. Anyone know if there are any shelving items that will hold multiple items? I'm running out of room in my kitchen but I have more stuff I want to put out. :(

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The RNG has been nuts.
Tiffany was the mandatory campsite guest.
Cherry was on the first mystery tour right after.
The next day's first mystery tour got Flora.
Marshal just appeared out of nowhere to claim a plot.

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i got recipe for gold armor and a manga library wall :)

>expect this guy to have a military-themed house or something
>he has by far the comfiest house on the island
what the fuck?

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bro i don't know if u know this but you have like, a whole other 2/3rds of an island to put stuff on
crazy man i know i only figured that out the first day i started

good for you :)

anyone have popcorn machine that isn't red or blue?

All I need are some red cosmos. Three to five. I'll trade bells, tickets, gold ore, black roses, whatever. Would be a big help.

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it's front he put up to push people away

please tell me you have plans for those empty places

I hope this is bait. But I also hope it's real. I relish the thought that a mentally ill tranny retard is going to actually fall for the gender reassignment surgery meme and willingly pay thousands of dollars to mutilate their genitals into a hairy puss filled gash.

literal tranny game

where do people got those crazy clothes?
custom pattern?

See the post below you. There's a concerted effort on this board to link the game with transhit. It's children, autists, or autistic children.

Fuck, man. I want Walker. He was my bro in New Leaf.

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Can you build two ramps right next to each other?

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Everything in the picture is in the game.

They aren't wrong though. It's a fucking tranny game.

give example, next to each other in what way
i saw it happened but it might not be the exact way you meant

just got a second floor and have no idea what to do with it

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Like a double-width ramp.

yeah i don't think that one is possible

lookin' like a double wide surprise

Its so weird not hearing the fucking balloons every 10 seconds anymore

Turnip dungeon.

Just got the moon recipe from one of my villagers, 15 star fragments and 1 large one. Guess I got something to work towards.

play room

Sissy trap room.