He's right, you know
He's right, you know
At first I thought he was over doing it but after witnessing a couple people just give up because a game is "too hard", I'm starting to agree. Like its so pathetic to see people go "oh well I guess I'm just shit forever then might as well give up". It's like the concept of self improvement doesn't exist in their minds.
this guy plays fucking fortnite
Imagine becoming a millionaire off of the most juvenile fucking videogame ever made specifically to appeal to children.
no one ever said life was fair
What does this guy contribute to society again?
He got hired by Nintendo?
He plays splatoon?
Trash opinion from trash human disregarded. Anger has nothing to do with self improvement and everything to do with giving into impulse and the lower regions of the mind. What he's doing is just creating excuses for acting out like an animal.
sorry so(y)nyfag, entertainment is meant to be played, not watched.
Imagine talking like Michael Jordan or someone like that when all you do is play video games for children
He's trying to justify acting like a retard and sperging out
There's rarely ever a reason to get angry at losing a video game, but just because you aren't angry doesn't mean you can't be introspective
He's right, you know.
reddit to the left, fortnite is actually the most skillful game out there
If you take video games seriously as a sport then you are undeniably a loser.
Rent free, as always. Like I'd ever support the east.
Full damage control. Guy is such a pitiful clown. He needs to shut up and go back to being an online babysitter for children.
what a child
He actually is unironically right in this pic though
You can improve without going into tard rage, he is just saying something that has already been said a million times before.
Kill yourself, redditor
mad cuz bad
I honestly think it's a low test problem where these guys who barely made it past puberty mistake overt hostility and sperging with actual adrenaline dumping anger.
Thank you for being upset so(y)nyfag, you people are fucking hilarious
This. There's a reason gaming hasn't progressed past a certain level of complexity. Because nobody likes that shit. Games are for fun after work or before school or with friends. If you need a manual to play a game, It's a bad game
I'm inclined to agree in certain cases but a lot of people are just permanent losers and are incapable of learning.
There exists a certain group of people who are so incompetent, so unchallenging and so petty that they'll try to destroy everything out of spite. Whether its their anger that prevents them from learning or they are angry because they can't learn I'm not so sure. Life itself is sort of like a game and Its stupid that people will shoot up schools or try to sneak up because they lost.
Same pic, same text, same thread
I hate nu-nu-nu-nu-Yas Forums, you're worse than reddit
It's harder to learn if you're pissed all the time, ask any educator you know
You dont learn and grow if all your going to do is be a whiney little baby when you get rekt and someone tries to calm you down by saying "hey man chill it's just a game." while you rage like a prepubescent child
>reddit bad wahhh wahhh!!
Fuck off. We like reddit here
Oh, he's retarded. Guess I'll leave him alone then.
He's right, but also misses the point.
"It's just a game" is usually said when someone is acting like a fucking sperg about it and needs to calm down.
nice try
When teammates say this in multiplayer games when losing pisses me the fuck off.
He's wrong, you know.
Autistic fits of rage aren't healthy and getting mad at video games is a sign of a smooth brain.
*hits pipe*
You know, if you think about it, Ninja is actually super fucking based. I mean, really think about it. The guy turns on his camera, and then plays some kiddie game and gets literal millions. In fact, even though he isn't even the best player, thousands of people flock to his stream in order to watch him. And do you see the type of shit he does? Fucking flossing during New Years, dying his hair into all of these colors, he CLEARLY does not give a singular fuck. And why should he? His net worth is in the literal millions, all from pointing his mouse and clicking. The guy makes more money than you probably will in your lifetime, and it shows because he barely even gives a fuck about his own reputation. Not only that, he makes all of the redditfags seethe something FIERCE.
You don't learn by raging, you learn by understanding what went wrong. Does anyone really believe people who get fucking pissed are in the kind of mindset to know where they fucked up?
Ninja is a jackass but if you put the quote into the context of competitive sport I think there's a point to be made. You can't win every game and by brushing off your losses instead of embracing and improving them you're more likely to stagnate.
>"would love opinions!"
>is given an opinion in the form of his opinion, but with the words changed
>gets super hostile about it
What a fag. The only sports thing I wonder about is NBA players with like sub .80 free throw. You're not being rushed by the other team and the distance isn't varied.
>this pic
Incels forcefeeding others their "give up" ideology is one of the sadest things.
Actual mental illness. Probably also masochistic personality.
That's not the correct image for what you replied to.
The OP's "improvement" refers to improving a skill, or just getting better at it.
You're referring to 'self-improvement' of the Yas Forums variety, which is different entirely. That's about gaining the fucking the motivation to clean your room or shit. Its not even the same ballpark.
How did you miss by this much?
Yep they go with the flow and end up as the balding HS coach with a divorce that never left town and most of his assets gone. Happened to the QB of my HS team.
Ok real talk?
real REAL talk?
he’s right
Yeah, I see all those professional chess players breaking boards on the floor and shouting "fuck!" after they lose a game.
he's not saying you should improve
he's saying you should get angry and butthurt
yes he is but who is this
You could look at someone like John McEnroe who was famous for his extreme temper and huge angry outbursts. He himself credits this anger for improving his game and making him work harder.
lol is this real?
>tfw you kiss your mother with that mouth