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International #1224
Is it frowned upon in your culture to use damaged goods?
My cat who has been with me since i was seven years old just had to be euthanized :( im very sad bros
A life without alcohol would be a very sad and depressing life
India "Japan's Avigan is the most promising drug against Covid-19."
In Brasilien oder in Deutschland Ich kampf gegen die rote Pest, Ich kampf für die Zukunft der weiß kinder
What is tinder in your cunt like ?
I ate pork again
What were Finns doing before Swedish colonization?
Would you rather live in Czechia or Slovenia?
Sverigetråden - SvHo Upplagan
Think about it for a sec
Honestly there should be only 2 slavic states with only 2 languages - serbo-croatian(yugoslavian) and interslavic in...
Bulgaria applied to join the Eurozone
Why are spaniards so brown?
How is that literally all women nowadays are cartoonishly whorish...
ITT: Mistakes you made when visiting another country
Girls on Yas Forums
Do women in your country give good blowjobs?
Why is the island nation so special and Based?
Baldest countries in Europe. Is your country on the top 15 list?
Why are bl*ck and br*wnoids so weak compared to the white man?
Just found out the "german" I crushed on as a teen is actually Polish. My life is a lie
/fr/ - le francofil
1. Your meat wallet
COVID-19 Race Based Relief in South Africa
/lang/ - language learning general
/ita/ - il filo
I'm 178cm 95kg
Sverigetråden - Majtågsupplagan
Does anyone actually like the country they live in? Seems like everyone always complains no matter what...
Why do they call themselves Christian if they reject the teachings of Christ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Plug thread
Why are Christians this insane?
Fuck This fucking douchebag
Who had bigger influence on them, Russians or Iranians?
Imagine a world with only white people
/das geheimnis der jademaske/ auch bekannt as /deutsch/
ITT: We summon Liechtenstein
These shitholes would unironically be better off today if they stayed under Polish rule
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת איה
Why are more and more niggers coming to travel to East Asia?
Worst shit you ever saw
American video games
That’s what you get for being so arrogant, Krauts
Will they unite?
Have you ever killed an animal?
Do you have a female cousin?
Findom, moneyslave, wageslave, wagecuck
Are they the chaddest Asians?
I'm only attracted to Asian women
Which one is the most cucked?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What was like being captured by Japanese army during WW2??
/desi/- Soru Gang edition
/cum/ + /centralamerica/
/ro/ - firul nostru
What is the most conservative, christian, lgbt-unfriendly, least feminist country in Europe?
Your country?
These are the most masculine languages. You should study one of them if you are a manly white man
Where the med BVLLs at? Let me suck your pp please
Ask a bored soldier anything
Sweden btfo
Are there any people on Yas Forums that don’t know how to speak the official language of their country?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ il filo
Tell me of your Zodiac sign, Yas Forums
Why can't Britsh teen boys stop kissing eachother?
Why is Balding so common among White male?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Any former incels here where it turned out alright and you got a gf?
Im sick of being a fucking porn addict
This is why I lift
Nordoids put cheese in their coffe
Today is a holiday, and an international one, as far as I know. So...
1. Your country
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
Do Mexaboos exist?
R*ssian incels killed this sex symbol 112 years ago
Why are so many people bad at Geography?
East asia is good at making flag
Do you cheat on your wife? Your girlfriend?
Why are people majoring in mathematics so crazy
Seriously, it's not funny anymore...
What the hell is this french propaganda? We never did shit bad, and Scandinavians as heroes? wtf is this nonsense...
Hey, my name is Лштшфyм Aщьф, i'm from Moscou, USSR
Do brothers and sisters have good relationships in you're country...
/balk/: Ancestor Edition
Do europeans really?
Why do americans bring their guns at every 'civil' protests they go? Do they expect to be shot...
What are you waiting for bros young teens WANT us!
/v4/ + friends
Do you like Japanese LGBT girl?
What's your score?
/lat/ hilo latino
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Are Asians white?
Why are congolombians so ashamed of their african heritage?
Feelin lucky friend? Have a roll!
Blasian appreciation thread
Why are they so annoying?
Explain to me how the coronavirus is a bad thing in the grand scheme of things?
/og/ olmec general
Who are the people considered 'cool' and 'popular' in your country? (excluding famous people)
/fr/- Francofil
NEED revolutionary DPRK gf
American banters a euro lightly
Why do chinks love BBC so much?
Russian torrent website
Do wh*te Bois really do this ?
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
I love nicotine
I don't really like dogs, they smell and are loud, cats are the better pet, mulims are right
This is the face of the Polish right-wing
ITT: we post garbage
Any good movie suggestion?
What Tv shows does Yas Forums watch?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What the FUCK is their problem?
Do russians really do this?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/nachtschicht/ ab 6:00 heiBt es /deutsch/
Wh*Te people
How has the semester treated you Yas Forums?
I fucking hate all Asians so much
ITT Character who are YOU
Catholics vs Evangelicals
Be me
Bolsonaro is cutting all public money to humanities in universities
The two greatest leaders in world history
My ancestors :)
1. ur cunt
Philosophy is an useful subject
What does European semen taste like?
Does Yas Forums like women?
Fuck finland
Fuck a gypsie girl
/fr/-le francofil
Literally the best countries in Europe
How do guys get over heart breaks in your cunt?
Why do americans come up with such retarded names?
Guess the cunt
Post areas of your country that foreigners like more than people like domestically
It is inevitable
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
You're cunt
What British phenotype is this?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Careful out there. Remember to use Coalfax before dating a white girl. Nobody wants to date a BLACKED whore. Also...
Why don't brazilians kill these "people"?
What is Sweden well known for?
Your country
/ita/ il filo
Hilo /lat/ino
We can fix Spain
This is the middle east
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My dick is only 9 inch long lol
France has a province called Provence
Sverigetråden - Segerupplagan
Why is this a bad idea? I'd rather avoid becoming China and India's cumdumpster
Is there anyone else from Luxembourg on here?
Tfw have learn to code but I'm so tired after working in the yard for a whole day
I CANNOT live like this. Wtf is this lockdown for? I haven’t gone clubbing for damn near 2 months now...
Is your country SOUL or souless?
Mfw realizing everyone here is at least bilingual and plus
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/fr/ - le francofil
We rebuilt it in just 10 months
Innocent native americans: YEAH KILL 'EM
Where are you from?
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
Today is the birthday of King Carl XVI of Sweden. Have you said your congratulations to his majesty yet?
/deutsch/ am Abend
What are the most generic names from your cunt?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What percent of British culture revolves around drinking?
Based china
Suffer levels
Money can't buy happiness
Most of the european nations you've grown up with will die within your lifetime...
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ so on and so forth
Holy shit I just realized there are biological female posters on this board RIGHT NOW with real teeddies and buttz...
Is it possible to ask what they think of us without them mentioning Brexit or being some "Gott Strafe England" retard?
Map thread
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2372
The worst tragedy in history
Sverigetråden - Militärupplagan
Over a hundred miles across
Hilo latino /LAT/
Is the Irish-British animosity still a thing ?
Japan = the anglos of Asia
It's over. Finland Lost
/deutsch/ Abendausgabe
Is this real
Brazilians, can you help me? i do not understand what is going on during this video clip:
Imagine, you can ban a whole country in Yas Forums forever. Which country would you choose and why?
Oh my god . . . oh my GOD . . . IS THAT, no . . . is that an . . . anime character . . . in an SS UNiorm...
We don't want black people or Asians in Mexico
/ita/ il filo
Countries which recently adopted the Euro, what are your opinions of it...
Carribean BVLLS
Why is it so hard to say goodbye to someone for the last time? :(
/fr/ - le francofil
/med/ - olive oil general
Is it true if an European or Asian family migrate to this place they are not Asian or Causasian anymore and become...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/balt/+/ausnz/: booty edition
Your country
This is the ideal Russia. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Which country has the best 'legends'
/v4/ + balk
/brit /
Living in germany means constant suffer
Is this what vikingz actually looked like ?
Why do some girls have the name of city in English? Paris, Sydney, Detroit, etc
What's wrong with Turkey?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
How will Britishers recover?
Hilo latino /lat/
Sverigetråden - Håkan Hellströmupplagan
I'm an incel in America
1. Your country?
/deutsch/ soll auf sein
And how many languages do you speak r/int?
/world of polska/
How would you pronounce this letter?
If you remove the 10% of the richest americans the US GDP per capita is between Bulgaria and Maldives
What age did you get your drivers license?
Imagine calling this "living"
Is germany an american puppet state?
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Trailer
Anglos are bad guys
Gib black mommy gf with huge tiddies
What are protestants like in your country
Are americans truly like this?
How does university admission (undergrad) work in your country...
Why do I find Brazilians on the internet that randomly say "kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"...
/deutsch/, später /Walpurgisnacht/
/desi/- chadnaldo edition
/brit/ + /ita/
I'm seething because an uneducated fat burger mutt arrogant asshole said that my country has nothing to offer other...
UE seems to have forgotten its christian origins
/ita/ il filo
What is the american midwest like?
Post yours
Sverigetråden - matcucken
Tfw no Juche gf
/fr/ - Le francofil
I want to live in USA
Post stupid things wh*Toids do
What the fuck happens here? I know nothing about this place...
Meanwhile,on Mexican Facebook
Which one do you choose?
About 30 million civilian owned firearms between them
/brit/ + /danmarktråden/ + /Norgetråden/
The most accurate map of Europe in date
""""Jewish"""" country
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ מדינה בומרית בת 72 Edition
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Why do they want to destroy Europe, despite being Europeans themselves?
Map thread
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Göteupplagan
For how much longer can Filipinos take this humiliation?
People complaining about economic crash
Yellow fever
/fr/ fil France
Are you on antidepressants?
You must pick 1 to rule EVROPA, choose wisely
He can't name 10 British cities
Belgians of Yas Forums...
Portugal is more Spanish than Catalonia and Basque(nia) are
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
Your religion
He can't name 3 Finnish cities
I am Japanese very happy!
People on tiktok used "based" and "redpilled" now. What are you going to do about this /intpol/?
/tuturuuu/ ehemals /deutsch/
/med/ - olive oil general
Your cunt and sexuality
A chinaman's experience in tanzania (africa)
Why are scandi women such goddesses?
Whats up with the french and african girls ?
Do modern east Germans know they share a similar (not the same) ethnogenesis to West Slavs (some cities and rivers in...
Are there many lonely people in your country?
Lift the ban on cigarette sales in South Africa
When will the UK swallow their pride and accept their destiny to become a US state?
Will wh*te women ever recover from this?
Your country
New Zealand is a fucking shithole and I hate it
How can we stop Islamophobia in France?
The little flags... they speak to me... hello there mr sweden... you brought mr brazil along for tea? marvelous!
My uni gave me $200,000 because i’m brown
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Kurva anyátok
Which Accent is Your Favorite From These Countries?
/esp/ + /pt/
Are you good at writing East Asian letters?
The absolute state of sweden
Rate your favorite continents from best to worst
Canada's most infamous white supremacist is a Hapa
Why do girls love shooters so much? pic related Norwegian and Russian shooter who blew up on social media with girls
Who were the best colonizers?
Does anyone care about Paraguay ? Why does no one cares ?
/ita/ il filo
Do you love Americans in Okinawa?
Is it possible to escape this third world shithole?
Can I claim asylum here if I identify as an oppressed gamer?
European "creativity"
/balt/ + /ausnz/
It's time for reincarnation.. but where will you be reborn?
/lat/ hilo latino
Married a Catholic, non-virgin, black, commoner, divorcee, old, barren, American
How do we fix España?
Do Brazilians really?
Based Georgia, drivers licenses infringe on freedom
23.5% of American prostitutes are Korean
Norwiegan boys
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
Why do they consider themselves 'Mediterranean'?
Be me, most likely not you
Western women are peak beauty
Say something nice about china Yas Forums
If this post gets 25 (OP)s I will post a picture of my face and you will see what the average American poster looks like
Post the most American pic you have
Its funny how Yas Forums posters from LatAm can type in perfect English...
/cum/ + /centralamerica/
Your thoughts on late-Soviet/Finnish architecture?
Sverigetråden - VARNINGs upplagan
Thank you Japan for creating one of the best female hairstyles
As a chicano of color, i feel attracted to white women
Is bullying in Korea as bad as it is portrayed in K-dramas?
Why are they so nice? :D
Hilo /lat/inoide
/lang/ - language learning general
Last threads
/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread
Elon Musk has gone insane, and has started shilling cryptocois. Not trustworthy...
Armed Citizens STORM MICHIGAN CAPITOL, Invade Congressional Offices (POLICE STAND DOWN)
Fb fap continued
Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 8 Storytime
This is a 10/10 in Bongland
Celeb thread
If a "hero" kills a villain, then he's not a hero, he's just another villain
Television and Movies
Video Games
Right-wing cringe thread
Animal Crossing
Video Games
Did you ever find your Ramona Flowers?
Television and Movies
Is it frowned upon in your culture to use damaged goods?
Three Seas Initiative
Has there ever been any proof that there are paid Jewish shills on here making shitposts and slide threads beyond...
This is why the world is ruined
One piece