Over a hundred miles across

>over a hundred miles across
I can't imagine driving for almost 200 kilometres and just seeing suburbs the whole way through

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These scales are insane. One hundred and ten miles of sprawl

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i'm from the USA how could you tell?

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This looks pretty dope, actually.

Ah yes, the tutorial map in SimCity 4, I remember it well

>200 kilometres
I literally can't travel that much horizontally in my own country

toronto has a similar thing where they cant expand inland, so they absorbed most of the coast

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Round trip would be veeeeery long tho youtube.com/watch?v=ww0KLhkp2Jw

Here's how a hundred miles compares in the fifteen million people Paris region

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I couldn’t image living in the suburbs. No thanks that’s were most of the crazies come from (school shooters, mass shooters, cultists, annoying people on the internet)

just go check out Los Angeles and its surroundings

Americans are based

Fun fact, we have a commuter train that goes all the way out to Montauk (the tip of the island not shown on the map). It's two and a half hours to Manhattan if you take the express trains they run during the summer, otherwise it's three and a half hours each way.

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The Rhine-Ruhr region is pretty suburb-y too, though there's a lot of fields and stuff breaking up the areas. Not just one continuous sprawl. But still the same amount of people as in the New York region

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I'm from Pompano Beach. Shit is built long instead of like a square because of the Everglades. Pure fucking swamp. Anything west of University Drive was pure swapland until it was drained in the 80s/90s. Look up the city of Weston. It's not even 25 years old and is suburbia built on swamp filled with cookie cutter houses owned by Jews and Hispanics.

I swear when this quarantine ends I'm going to buy a ticket to NY just to try that train

>school shooters, mass shooters, cultists, annoying people on the internet
these are all innawoods larpers tho

I realize finland didn't have cities until 500 years ago

Nope. Look it up user, most of them come from suburbs. I don’t know what it is about suburbs but they cause craziness

If you want to get really wild, you can almost connect to Washington D.C all the way from Boston, five hundred kilometres. There's a couple sections that don't have that many buildings for a couple kilometres, but almost

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Now do the r*ndstad

Get out, I moved from Pompano to Seattle last year, best decision I ever made.

I joined the military, so I'm out for now

yeah i noticed this too.

you can also go from hartford in conneticut to pennsylvania through NYC, without having houses line the streets.

It's around 50 or 60 miles along the coast, though I guess if you'd swing by Utrech it would be more

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>friend says they've gone t live in chicago
>tell me the name of the suburb
>it is unironically 40 miles away from chicago city centre

new challenger

Attached: Schermata 2020-04-30 alle 20.31.05.png (1580x1008, 1.62M)

How about some fields? This is nearly 1000km across, just endless square grids

Attached: fields.webm (1418x780, 1.59M)

now do you understand why everyone in the midwest is dying from fentanyl?


for a period of time you could get a set amount of acreage of land out west for free as long as your made it productive in a set time frame


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That legitimately looks like some kind of purgatory. If you can navigate your way out of that domain, your soul will finally be allowed to rest

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I seriously think Taiwan and maybe Japan will start drilling into the mountains and making underground cities