Will wh*te women ever recover from this?

Will wh*te women ever recover from this?

Attached: white roastie rekt by chinese beauty.webm (600x360, 2.67M)

You're implying that it's something they would be ashamed of

>Will wh*te women ever recover from this?
Better than wh*Te birthrates.


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She's qt

why are they like this

stop fucking dogs roastie

who dafuq uses still uses online dating?

Perish, object.

from which? not being insects?

Not knowing any better.

Flat faced gook trying to cope and pose as "trad" to bait some white incel into marriage

She's the female version of incels seething at chad

Lol women can't be incels they just have to open their legs. Especially a beauty like her she could have 50 guys but she is not trash like wh*te women

why are these animals walking around with shoes indoors. Are the French really like this?

Oh, well, it's a chance.

In Tokyo, here many young women live alone.

And there is not a desire to do anything more.

Fat chicks and mentally ill girls.

Men trying to get laid.

Better than fucking random guys every Saturday like wh*te women do

Why don't you ask one out for a date Kenji.

>a beauty like her
t. incel with yellow fever

40% of Japanese women appear in AV.



like a child


Oh, that's not good, really.

I could not do well

So, it's better to focus on my job, and helping my family.

Note how the anti-WMAF crowd (whether white roasties or their white nationalist cucks) respond by implying a strict dichotomy between being an emotionless, sexless robot and fucking different people all the time. This Asian girl is not criticizing her roommate having sex, she's criticizing the fact that her roommate is hooking up with different guys all the time. But that's not something the anti-WMAF crowd can counter, so they construct a strawman of this Asian girl as some "no love only work" autist, because they want to keep white guys as possible beta providers for white roasties.



literally made for BBC
nice post chang. 5 points were added to your social credit ranking

cope tranny lmao

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they should respect other peaceful and silent mental state.
Imagine learning something, cooking or mediation and the couple fucking scream "Yeeeeeeeeeeeees! fuck me harder! a a a"

Such barbaric animals showing no respect to the public and shared space.

sauce: just trust him bro

that;s not the answer to my post disgusting hapa monster

Why is this ugly insect slut shaming

why did you get offended you hideous tranny monster you are not even a real woman

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Literally BUILT for BBC.