Impossible mode: south sudan, DPRK, DR congo, yemen, syria, afghanistan, venezuela
Insane mode: papua new guinea, most of subsaharan africa, honduras, , laos, myanmar, iraq, turkmenistan, libya
Hard Mode: most of latin america, india, pakistan, bangladesh, south africa, cambodia, moldova, stable countries in subsaharan africa
expert mode: north africa, non-EU eastern europe + romania/bulgaria, russia and former USSR, sri lanka, thailand, iran, jordan, lebanon, vietnam, ghana, kenya, most of SEA, jamaica, botswana
intermediate mode: EU eastern europe, polynesian/micronesian pacific islands, United States of Amrica, caribbean islands, chile, China, greece, portugal
novice mode: south korea, taiwan, gulf arab countries, spain, , italy
beginner mode: UK, France, germany, canada, New Zealand, ireland, israel, japan
Tutorial mode: Netherlands, sweden, denmark
sandbox mode: australia, norway, switzerland
god and other cheats on mode: luxembourg, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar