Countries which recently adopted the Euro, what are your opinions of it? Did it affect your country positively or negatively?
Countries which recently adopted the Euro, what are your opinions of it...
probably negative considering its all based around whats good for germany
Very negatively
Ultra negatively
Polandbro, take a tip, keep your Zloti.
You're big enough for your own currency and it has nothing but benefits for a county in your position.
prices raised a 66%
100% wrong in our case
fucking shit
That says it all
Supposedly adopting the euro, our economy would gradually be equated with the other economies in Europe, ask any Spanish and they will speak negatively about this, everything is more expensive and salaries remain the same as in 2000.
Why did people adopt it if they hate it so much. Im confused.
Sorry but one thing: For all countries running a trade surplus, perhaps its bad because you cannot export as cheaply as you'd like. But for those who are net importers, how is it bad? Your imports would be much more expensive no?
>he thinks we live in a democracy
based schizo
Lol, this is so wrong
I don't know how it was before the Euro but it's pretty nice cause czech stuff is pretty cheap to buy still for us
this, you can't dump the price with cheap currency that would companesate lower quality so you're competing with germans only by efficiency of production and quality of the final product
Difficult to say, I'd say overall negatively.
That was true with schillings as well
I barely understand the EU at all. Before I came to Yas Forums I thought it was the earliest stage of Europe to finally become 1 country. But taking it nice and slow because theres still a lot of history and cultural difference. I thought Angela Merkel was the president of the EU and I am sure I remember reading about some kind of European congress somewhere.
Now I don't even know what it is. Is there a vote? Is there a parliament or a congress? Who's the president? Wikipedia says there isn't a single president, but 3 presidents none of whom I ever even heard of once. EU can't levy taxes but it can fine stuff? Why is everyone mad at Germany? Why does a simple majority vote in a member country dissolve the union entirely?
Overall I don't know. But maybe I'm not meant to know. The European Union a mystery to all but Europeans. If you dont want a Euro use Dutchbuxx instead.
>what it is
A clusterfuck, most euros don't know how exactly it works either. Just that you vote from time to time and that it tends to propose retarded shit and pats itself on the back.
>it was the earliest stage of Europe to finally become 1 country
lolno, nobody wants that
There are quite a few traitors like that in every country
Iper-negatively. You shouldn't even ask such a question
Finland stopped being competetive because Euro is too strong. On the positive side we can use the Euro to buy stuff cheap abroad.
>Now I don't even know what it is.
A never-ending nightmare. That's what it is
not really
we should have a strong currency at all times considering our lack of an export economy but regularly the euro has weakened so that Germany can export more
Actually, most of the people involved in the EU do. People like Guy Verhofstadt provide a window into the minds of the european federalists.