People on tiktok used "based" and "redpilled" now. What are you going to do about this /intpol/?

People on tiktok used "based" and "redpilled" now. What are you going to do about this /intpol/?

And no that's not my tiktok

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Its been time to abandon them for a while now

"Based" was coined by a black man and "redpilled" was coined by a tranny. The fact that Yas Forums latched on to these words is incredibly ironic.


Transsexuals are fagets and Yas Forums is full of racist fagets from Yas Forums, so it's not really ironic in that regard.

You've already been thoroughly BTFO and embarrassed for your obvious faggot tactic of trying to turn what applies to you around. You'd think you would stop, but you libtards are literally retarded.

i dont care since i say baseerattu and redbullattu


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Shut up fuckwit.

Are you a bootlicking arab, or an arab-hater benefiting from their accommodation?

they're fucking words. nobody thinks about who coined a term and it doesn't matter because their meaning is apparent.


It's not fair to say redpilled was coined by a tranny, the Wachowski brothers weren't trannies when they made the matrix.

In this case they're a means of communication between self-proclaimed alt-shiters. If they're coopted by the mainstream and their intention perverted that might not be a victory

Over what? I'm not a homosexual or a Yas Forumstard so there is no cognitive dissonance involved.

Also worth mentioning that Pepe was made by a very blatantly closeted homosexual, and yet Yas Forums views him as a sort of icon for huwhite supremacy. It's utterly embarassing.

its just the incels who already browse this site who post this, you see "based & redpilled" pretty often in youtube comments

Shut up Chink.

Are you a genital mutilated Arab, or an abeed whose cock has been clipped by them?

Didn’t answer his question user, little rude, would you be more compliant if he was white?

Go home if you find leeching off genital mutilated Arabs undignified lol. The self awareness is staggering

Fuck off back to Yas Forums, subhuman. Jesus fucking christ, your flag is yet to make a single post on this board that isn't pure cancer.

Posting under a white proxy is immensely entertaining, you can get people to say idiotic things

Uh ok...? Still didn’t answer his and my question, either just do it or don’t schizo, good luck with that life going on user

Dilation station to the discord - requesting backup
Dilation station to the discord - requesting backup
Dilation stations to the discord - requesting backup

Did you change proxies or something?

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Just enjoying you tranny freaks being unironically upset about racism on Yas Forums of all places. Just because one of you freaks became a moderator it doesn't mean the core culture of this board will change.

dilate incel

blame groypers. They had couple of funny tiktoks but I think they are all banned now.

the nigger has spoken

Keep trying. Maybe if you had spent time actually trying to convince people in real life instead of thinking a political campaign on fucking Yas Forums was worth your time you could've won a single political battle.

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You mean, the lack of self-awareness, illiterate nig?

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We apropriated them

I don't care, based, redpilled, kek and normie have been reddit terms for a long while now because
A) this site is infested with redditors
B) redditors and poltards(aka redditors and children) use Yas Forums language online and on other social platforms

This is essentially bound to happen since Yas Forums words become memes and young individuals want to be up to date on those

by 'him' do you mean the guy who originally made pepe? if so you couldn't be more wrong

>You mean, the lack of self-awareness, illiterate nig?
Dumb goatfucker. It was a sarcastic comment in an attempt to highlight your lack of self-awareness.

Exactly why people hate whites appropriating shit so much
1. You shit on x thing minorities do
2. Take x thing minorities do without credit
3. Then go back to shitting on minorties using x thing

Whites are the mythical jew and negro they hate so much combined

Incapable of detecting sarcasm are we? And beyond that arguing language is weak

And even beyond that you're afraid of revealing your actual origin out of embarrassment so you're a waste of time.

Have fun

Okay you're free to go back to whatever shithole you came from if you don't like having your culture stolen. While you're at it, maybe stop appropriating that white language you're using.


India ranks Japan's Avigan and Actemra as most promising drugs against Covid-19.

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Russia to Try Avigan as Coronavirus Treatment

Kirkland doctor who nearly died from COVID-19 recovers after taking Actemra

>On a ventilator and in a coma for 2 weeks, Michael Goldsmith was out of options before starting treatment on Actemra. Now doctors are calling him a “walking miracle.”

Turkey's Ministry of Health: the relatively low death toll is thanks to 2 existing drugs — hydroxychloroquine and Japan's Avigan

"Favipiravir" is a chink knock-off name to piggyback on Japan's success.
Use "Avigan", the official Japanese brand name, way easier to pronounce and memorize.

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>what did he mean by this
where can i read about the moderator?