Its funny how Yas Forums posters from LatAm can type in perfect English...

Its funny how Yas Forums posters from LatAm can type in perfect English, but the Latin Americans in the USA can barely speak English even after living here for years. Why is that?

Attached: latin america2.jpg (450x529, 94.24K)

We don't exactly get their best.

Sure thing, skippy. Most 'latin americans in the USA' are LARPers. Most chicanos have a decent handle of the english language.

Cuz writing and reading is much easier than listening and speaking. Unless If you chicanos can't read or write It too, then they are just retads

you guys make it very easy for them to come in, but extremely hard for us to even get things like student visas...


yet another conspiracy theory because an american is too retarded for his own good

The older ones have been here for 20-30+ years and still can't form thoughts in English. Its quite puzzling. Its not like English is that difficult

Do Chicanos have a better grasp of English or Spanish in your experience? I always feel like its a mixed bag

Writing is one thing. Speaking is a whole different animal

Because all the thirdiefags on Yas Forums are upper class spoiled little shits who live on the internet. ESPECIALLY true for spic countries

It's weird. I've met people from Venezuela and Colombia who speak English really well, with an accent of course,.

What Spanish speaking country has the best English speakers? (inb4 LOS)

Thirdies on 4channel are middle and upper middle class. In other words, they're burgouis scum. I bet most of them are overwhelmingly European or criollo too

Dude, you are full of shitn

i'm straight middle class raised in a pretty precarious neighborhood, but i'd wager i'm still wealthier than the vast majority of latinos that immigrate to the US. like, i have a fucking latop lol

Nah, he isn't. It happens often. People find neighborhoods where they can just speak Spanish all the time and never bother learning English. Being with "your own people," is one of the worst things to do as an ex-pat. You practically never assimilate.

Argentina and it's not even close.

Brazillians on here have good English. Is that the same in real life?

Most Brazilians can't even speak their own language correctly.

I don't speak Spanish, but that's how I feel about a lot of the Mexicans that live in the US (not the Chicanos, but the ones who just came here). They barely speak Spanish correctly.

I don't know dude, we usually don't talk in english to each other.

Dude, i went to school full of chicanos they all spoke english normally the only people who had trouble were colombian and honduran immigrants.

Why are colombian posters so judgemental on this site? Do you hate all latin americans?

He's projecting

Most Latinos live in Latino neighborhoods and work with other Latinos. They have nothing driving them to learn English.

Honestly, maybe Ricans and Dominicans sound the most natural when speaking in English

Argentina I'd say probably has the highest proficiency but they have some of the thickest accents out there as well. Not that that is something bad tho

oh sweetie

Attached: willy-wonka.jpg (800x644, 276.29K)

>Do you hate all latin americans?
not him but I'd say no, we received a fuckton of heat from most of them tho. I try to be cool with all latinos on here desu, but I don't relate much to them. I relate the most with caribbeans, panamanians and Venezuelans

Yeah, I'm projecting over the fact that I can't speak Brazilian "Portuguese" correctly, you're right.


Why don't South Americans mass emigrate to Brazil? Why us?

México, Cuba, Honduras and etc are closer to USA than Brazil

Because America has had a historic Hispanic presence since its foundations. We've also given amnesty in the past, further incentivizing latinos to come. Not to mention that our elite loves cheaper labor and larger consumer base.

South Americans don't mass emigrate to the u.s.a either. 90% of your latino migrants are form the countries up north of nicaragua and south of texas, or from the caribbean islands, none of them are south american

Also we got paraguayans, bolivians and venezuelans here too, but wouldn't make sense for argies, chileans and other countries with decent living to mass emigrate here.

>I relate the most with caribbeans, panamanians and Venezuelans
Sniff sniff, I smell... suero and ñame.

Do they struggle to learn Portuguese?

wait, do you really ask?

well, yeah, in a sense. I don't feel any connection to anything south of Ipiales. I even feel closer to Brasilians than to non-caribbean latinos despite not sharing the language

We unironically have older hispanic immigrants who have been here 20 plus years and cant speak the language. They came and settled in some enclave and never even bothered to learn the language.

They don't learn portuguese at all. Their kids don't struggle tho, I have a friend that was born here and is son of 2 bolivians, he talks perfect portuguese, but his parents cant.

For what I've seem most americans can't speak english at all.

Mistaking your and you're is way too common

>I relate the most with caribbeans, panamanians and Venezuelans
I know right? Its like what are venezuelans even doing in Ecuador, Perú or Chile, they should go to caribbean countries where they can be loud and talk like caribbeans do.
Truer words have never been spoken.

You gotta be a special kind of pendejo to not pick up Portuguese if you speak Spanish

English is not hard, I personally know many retards that speak it well. I haven't seen bad grammar from CHIs in particular.
t. Call Center worker


Isn't Ecuador closer culturally to Colombia than Peru?

I don't relate with your opinion.

>they understand what I say, so I will talk slowly and not bother learning portuguese
That's what happens

No man the average English level is abysmal. The Colombian is being an ass but it's true, most barely speak Portuguese with any semblance of ability or coherence,

But their kids can, cannot they?

>Why don't South Americans mass emigrate to Brazil?
You don't know South Americans. I'm totally fine with you guys using mexicans instead of hispanics because mexicans and central americans is what you people get. Sure people here migrated to US, among other countries like Chile, Argentina and even Japan.
Do they speak spanish too?

We're not sending the best xd

Maybe in you favela

He talks in spanish with his parents. Never saw he talking spanish with us

Yeah, I can't care less about what venezuelans do in countries south of this place tb.h.

I do care that some of them behave like chimps over here tho, they need to go back

Which state? Many refuse to adapt, esp in cities. It's just a fact. Latinos learn English if they're first-gen Americans, or if they have something driving them, like pussy or a boss who doesn't speak Spanish. Most of the time, they stay within their own communities. Some will learn little phrases to get by. By they'll by and large only ever speak Spanish or whatever other dialect or language exists in their country of origin.

i hope you get overrun by latinos, bitch

Because they 're surrounded by negros who can't speak english properly.

Geography, brother. I'm sure many would go to Spain if they could. But when you're in need to go to whatever place is closer. And going from one "South American" country to the next probably isn't worth the risk because it isn't that much of an improvement.

Texas, all the kids speak english here, they only speak spanish at home, you cant really consume american "culture" like music, moves ect without knowing english.

you go to whichever place is closer.*
My bad, I'm a little tired.

Becoming an illegal immigrant is part of the culture of stupid people who can only think about work.

They subconsciously think of themselves as animals who could make more money abroad for the same effort they'd be doing at their country.

Many are already going to Spain.