What are you waiting for bros young teens WANT us!

What are you waiting for bros young teens WANT us!

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Cringe indeed. No decent man would ghost a 15 year old.
They're prime breeding material

college boys commonly date girls over the age of (15-16) here

most men in the us past the age of 18 don't date/marry until they are much older like ~35-40

algunos seran arrestados por jugarle al verga

>Listen, I know you're craving my thick, old cock, but you should be giving boys your age a chance. When I was in high school I was jerking off between my 12-hour Diablo II gaming sessions and never had a gf. I'm sure boys your age are playing shittier games but their desire for a warm pussy is still the same. Trust me, you'll be doing a great service to the community by giving even one of those young lads a taste.

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Nunca he visto que suceda, aunque con el #woke movimiento no sorprendería que pasara

Is that a secret? School girls and gays DREAM of having a relationship with an attractive college student.

they are too old

I did this last year. Dated her for three months, had sex, dumped her, ghosted her, and fucked off back to college.

now this is what i call based

how does it feel living in a country where that's legal? In america if you think an adult women under 25 is attractive people will think you're a groomer or sexual predator

thank you based chad

whoa he is literally me

what the fuck is up with pedos on this site? if you're above 20, people would crucify you for trying to date a girl below 19.

They want older men, not manchildren

Too old.

Fuck off and die, normalfag scum.

well India is a cucked feminist state.

But even still that somehow doesn't sound true

Lmao it's not legal, it just isn't enforced. The only way to ge arrested for that is if the she threats you with denouncing you with the policeso you don't dump her.

bruh an 18 year old dating a 15 year old in my locality made so much noise the boy and his parents had to leave for another neighbourhood cuz all the aunties went around discussing this shit like the guy committed a mortal crime.

how is 15-16 not legal in mexico

but that's because indians are against premarital sex or are they trying to be westernized/"progressive"?

and why would they care if you're over 20 dating an 18 year old. now imagine pakistan or any country around india that doesn't care like this

>you've never been that guy where a girl was interested in you just because
>it's always been like pulling teeth to try to get girls

tell me lads, what's it like?

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Because the constitution says so. Some states laws say otherwise but if the feds show up you are fucked

I'm guessing laws don't mean that much in mexico since you can just bribe your way out of it

It depends on the people who enforce the laws, I'll give you an example. In the city I live hardly anyone uses helmet when riding a motorcycle because the cops don't care for they have the same road safety culture as the citizens; none. Back in 2014 some really fucked up shit happened, it involved the whole local gov and law enforcement units, they were all sent to mexico city for "moral training" and some were arrested. Genadarmeria (branch of the feds) were sent to my city to replace them in the mean time. The city became different, motorcyclist used helmets, people could not bribe their way out. Basically laws that people forgot about started to become enforced. The gendarmeria went back to mexico city and the cops who were "morally trained" came back. Shit went back to how it was before tho.

For the high schooler it's normal to be attracted to more mature people.
I personally find it weird that grown up men would be attracted to minors. Once you start talking with them they sound retarded and it's a turn off for me.

damn, giga. you're a cool dude

I had through simmiliar situation on fb during college. More than once. Now i am old and never got attention from underage again. I understand why those 21 yo utuber get many nudes from them

Its pre nice not gonna lie. Maybe if you just put yourself out there u might find something?

It depends on who you talk to. I know many people who are shallow/basic as fuck outside of work.