Today I will edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Literally me
His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favourite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.
That must be your feel now.
dont worry, theres no thing alcohol wont wash away.
what books are you lads reading? am 5 pages into the picture of dorian gray
is this the secret balt :D
Im reading Dantes Inferno
its not a bait. i saw it in the classics section in the bookshop
I never said or thought it were, but now you made me suspicous knowing how you australians are. How is it?
I were being honest too, if you cant trust a Finn then who can you.
well like i said i am only 5 pages in so i literally can't give an opinion. why do i make you suspicious? my flag? this flag sometimes feels like a curse, as though anything i say is a shitpost and people do not take me seriously. i used to shitpost a lot, but i always found it shallow, and i longed for a real conversation rather than just trying to get as many (you)s as i could
When you started reading it?
And im sorry, but are not the only one with the stigma.
Everytime someone runs out of arguments or want to provoke us they bring up the mongol meme(we are not anyway to connect them) or the anime gay trannyposting few mentall ill discord trannies spammed here for months.
Anyways, mine last before this were Don Quijote and cant say i were dissapointed.
Thought after this Inferno i gonna look for something more lightier such 1984.
Or could recomend me any books?
only a month until summer arrives!
i started reading it last night after i finished animal farm. i read 5 pages but was too tired so went to sleep. i have heard about don quixote and how it is one of if not the best selling book ever besides holy books. i read 1984 and would recommend it, but i am not sure which books to recommend if english isn't your first language then i am not sure which books you may find more difficult to read or if the translation may make the book lose its nuance. i guess i could recommend all quiet on the western front, catch 22, the commanding heights, the prize, brave new world
Yes its true books should be readed with the original language they are written for.
Translators there have very important job which can be easily be fuckd up example taking influence from their perspective.
I must admit im usually reading books in Finnish because im not too good with english languages "fancywords" and i would have to keep dictionary next to me.
Again i could learn to speak english better with tha way.
But im just a lazy drunkard who loves reading.
i have Dostoevsky's best books in a stack in a box i want to read soon but i am worried that the russian nuance of the books coming from his language may be lost due to translation but i can't learn russian just to read them how they were supposed to. i have the same fear with don quixote and some other spanish/italian classics. reading in english with a dictionary next to you is actually a great way to get better at english if that is what you want.
Thats why its good to know who translates those books.
Example i had trust for this spanish name translating Don quixote.
Sometimes one has to trust.
About the Dostjevsk iv seen one Perform from Idiot at the Finlands main theater, it were very intersting.
But also like i said im a lazy person.
Iv seen Animal Farm as old cartoon.
And i dont have nomore reason to read the book, same with acts iv seen at the stage.
Thanks for reminding me about the Catch 22, Iv heard so much good about it and its actually and somehow i hadnt even added it into my list.
But i burden it not so long time ago since i found it theres no translation for that like theres no one for fahrenheit 451 neither.
Yeah maybe i should take a dictionary into my hands and start reading.
Least understanding of the language wouldnt be my biggest sorrow.
Not to even start about very thick finnish accent, my tongue never twisted into indo-euro languages.
It was a good book, even with all the faggot shit.
>Thats why its good to know who translates those books.
i spend a lot of time on /lit/ asking about the best translations since it really can make or break a book.
yeah i heard oscar wilde was gay long before i knew who oscar wilde was. the first 5 pages already sounded queer
Its so easy for you English speakers.
At Finnish language there are usually not many translations but i wish to hope standards are high.
it is good to speak god's language. HUZZAH!
I prefer mine, its naturally poetic and can twist so much more information into a shorter sentences.
What takes in english 20 words can in Finnish say with 5.
page 8
page 10? not on my watch
Our secret thread was meant to be secret.
I really enjoyed that discussion with you.
Moshimoshi, I'm surprised you didn't let my thread die
likewise, it is rare to have a productive and interesting back and fourth
Has anyone seen Lithuania today?
I haz to call him to chek if OK!
I am worried
Got pubes in my tea, should maybe stop touching my cock... or shave
Call him, make sure he is okay.
Caring is Sharing.
And this must be new balt.
Let that old one rotten.
user, don't tell me you go outside without a hazmat suit at these troubling times.
käin küll
I always have my suit and mask on