Hey, my name is Лштшфyм Aщьф, i'm from Moscou, USSR

Hey, my name is Лштшфyм Aщьф, i'm from Moscou, USSR.

Attached: 1471000545114166398.jpg (604x453, 48.04K)

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Americans must see cyrillic as chinese or some shit. It looks incomprehensible to them

they know americans are to stupid to read cyrillic so they just dont care

do they really?

Attached: 1422670771223.jpg (395x401, 59.49K)

Why is your passport in chinese

Do Americans actually believe this shit?

>I'm white looking
>I'm going to go infiltrate a country
>Yeah, nobody in the UK/Czech Republic/Sweden/Russia will be able to tell me apart

What phenotype is this?

Explain please

Lshtshfum Aschf

Do you think Jason Bourne can pass as a local in your country?

Hey it’s that annoying piece of shit from Good Will Hunting

they think that if the dude is white, then he can pass as a local in every European cunt
it's a frame from The Bourne Identity (2002). "Лштшфyм Aщьф" is Kinyaev Foma, but in English keyboard layout

His name is kiniaev foma but the cyrillic spells "lshtshfum ashf"

Lmao wtf

I can't imagine having a name :"Lshtshfoom Ashsh'f"

I mean he could definitely pass as a Russian in that pic.
Also yeah that's generally how espionage works, provided you can speak the language without an accent and know the culture, etc.

1998, those were the good times in Russia. What happens in Ceвepнaя btw?

Attached: FirstUltimateHippopotamus-max-1mb.gif (320x136, 875.69K)

St.Pete is still a shithole

Spotting yanks is easy:

Well it worked before.

Attached: 1537162528488.jpg (1024x578, 63.41K)

they are ordinary tourist gay-couple from Russia, what do you want

Attached: политика-Петров-и-Боширов-права-чепига-3122959.jpg (1280x2270, 427.09K)

Cyrillic is actually the first foreign script I learned to read

Attached: 1537608027231.png (657x527, 34.04K)

>Лштшфyм Aщьф
Bwahahahahahaha!!!! Hohol!!!

Attached: screenshot.jpg (883x391, 32.1K)


What are some American movies where they got your mother tongue right?

What I found astounding about their case that it was suddenly ok to be racist. I remember that news here argued that they have to be spies because 'what would a russian do in Salisbury' ? Implying russians can't appreciate culture.

He could easily pass

get some sleep user, you look tired


.....American posts at their finest.

>going through all this effort just to not get robbed
I'll just stay home, thanks.