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Reminder that these stories are all fake and planted by westoid media. Trump's only hope to save Israel is to make everyone forget about his own fuck ups.

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Wait a minute. Who's responsible for this? CIA?

Not fake. I doubt anyone likes black people. I'm black and realistic.

Probably. Could also be other anglo agencies. Anglos are generally all aligned against China due to the fact that they rely on mutt hegemony to survive.

Asians hate dark skinned people, man.

Ching Chong bing bong I’d rike some fried rice prease

there's only two kinds of people who believe this crap
1. low iq people who want any excuse to hate china and believe any fake tabloid shit said about them
2. people who don't matter or have power to influence anything cause they're 1 and cattle

christcuck schizo are going into the trash, evangelical monkey. no amount of seething from christ schizo is going to stop china

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I'm whiter than you (I'm 100% Anglo.)

>Brazilian monkey

why ain't the media reporting muh Black minority being bullied in India as well? Really makes you think

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They report everytime.

What endangered animal do you have on todays menu?

Me Chinese me pray joke me go Peepee in yoor coke

No one was talking about you.
True but the china shit is being pushed aggressively non-stop, mostly due to China's increasingly successful and large investments in Africa.

>Complains that calling the Coronavirus “Chinese flu” is racist and discriminatory towards Asians
>Proceeds to racially discriminate against African migrants

Why are the Chinese like this?

>Chinese people
>liking blacks

Sure, and I'm Aishwarya Rai

based if true

Attached: download (78).jpg (500x300, 158.95K)

Afrifains aint human

t. vegan cuck
This is why no one takes you leftoids seriously anymore.

They don't do that though. And
>caring about blacks
Is this why no one likes you leftists anymore? I think it is.

>China's increasingly successful and large investments in Africa

Do you really think Han Chinese care about Africa? They feel superior even to all of their neighbours just imagine to fucking Africa

Hivemind bug people with little self awareness.

All they care about is money, which is why Africa likes them. They aren't socialist retards like the Eurocucks who tried to brainwash them into liking trannies and shit.

Literally this. Chinese are way more evil than whites, jews whatever.

>If you don't like blacks you are evil
Hi sexpat-kun.

China will be nazi Germany tier in our lifetime because han chinese are the most evil people in Asia. You will miss USA.

The Chinese are literally trapping them in debt so they can exploit their resources and colonize them with settlers.

The IMF has been doing that for decades retard.

>I'm 100% Anglo BLACK BVLL

Please stop raping children.

IMF is full of Brazilian and another third world countries money, including Chinese too. What is your point?

Getting people into debt isn't a bad thing. It's not our fault that africans can't into finance. The same is true for China. Stop being a feminized leftoid.

But IMF is not a country.