Most of the european nations you've grown up with will die within your lifetime...

most of the european nations you've grown up with will die within your lifetime. They will become irrelevant bosnia-herzegovinas and syrias. USA becomes a latinx paradise stuck in a democratic party vote feedback loop and enjoys all kind of banana republic hijinx.

You can't change any of this unless you're a one in a billion person. And China is an asshoe. So what's your plan?

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Get fucked faggot

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europe had its chance

Show me the magic stats that changes your prognosis.

No women oh no no no

I think BBQ, 2014 could be a woman

What is pic related? White replacement bla whatever, but who are these people?

/sverigetråden/ meet ups

Stockholm region Sverigetråden meetups

sounds like paradise


dont care

You can see the shift of Yas Forums in each year, from a place to just chill with others to a racist propaganda/troll machine

whats wrong with racism?

That’s what I mean

Such is the the way of the world. Humans are a dead end species anyway. It's just a matter of time before we go extinct.

wow, seems like NATO subhumans are finally being punished

oh my bad, i misunderstood

Sverigetråden isn't that racist by Yas Forums standards. Pic related is Swedish Yas Forums meetup from 2018

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Because people are increasingly feeling the burden of mass immigration.
Our millennia old countries are killing themselves and are now barely recognisable, it's bound to have an influence on the few natives left.

Wow, there's an arab in the group. So diverse.

And that's what you get for colonialism

Yeah Austria Switzerland and Sweden sure are reaping what they showed amiright fellow black man

nope they don't deserve this, french, spain, portugal, england and maybe germany should be puish for it, I actually don't hate europeans, only those who colonized other countries

Underground self sufficent nuclear shelter

We gave the light or civilisation and progress to savages who were eating each other and dying at 30.
Conquest and domination upon others is a human constant, we were just better at it.

im staying with the macedonian

You don't give people what they don't ask for you. Your defense is stupid. I expect better arguments from superior Europeans

I agree with you, we should not have done it, for our own good we should have let the rest of the world live in mudhuts eating insects and dying of gangrene at 22.
We were too benevolent, and this fault of ours which has increased over the ages is now leading us to our doom.
We're living in the afterglow, the sun has long set and the night is coming.

>We were too benevolent, and this fault of ours which has increased over the ages is now leading us to our doom.
Whatever you say you stupid swarthoid. Keep aggrandizing yourself. It'll make your downfall all the sweeter.

Norway becomes somali annex #3

Spain will die here but live in USA

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>literally just less people meeting
>immediately make a strawman

more like
>old posters getting older and stop being NEETs

We already had civilixation, sometimes more advanced than yours.
We already had everything we need.
But the white boi and his small dick will never accept that they are some people who are better than him
I bet you look like this in real life btw

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