Keksz kiadás
Other urls found in this thread:
>wake up
>immediately feel the need to coom
How do I get some self-control?
cold shower works for me
Im not good at being patient.
Wake up dummies
Nice digits
I am an incel.
I'm not a robot
Gonna take a break from /v4/ for a couple of days
Gonna spend the long weekend playing X-Com2 and Skyrim
Just let it die.
No value will be lost.
I've been watching videos of people buying their gf a puppy or a kitten and now I want to buy her one but I know that I shouldn't because animals are disgusting and stinky and shouldn't be kept in an apartment.
Cats don't stink if they're neutered.
I don't want toxoplasmosis tho, or dirty animal hair all over the house.
Most people get toxo from meat, not from cats.
Trami you traitor where are you, we are all playing wow
I'm going to drink today.
>cheap vodka
alcohol is a scam
the average joe barely consumed any beer/distilled drink before the spread of modern machinery
it was Heineken who started this meme back when modern fillers became a thing
>drink, coz this is an an ancient tradition
>beer is good for you
then the ruskies started their own industry aswell, and others hopped on the bandwagoon and now the lobby is far more powerful than tobacco's
>feel good
>people get addicted to it
>high yield
>high profit
>braindead easy technology
Nigga there were 12 breweries in my city in 1297. Then hundred years later it was 47. In a city that could have had like 1000 people back then.
That's just patently wrong, beer was an essential part of every medieval commoner's diet. That being said, back then it was far more nutritious and far less alcoholic (the so-called small beer).
(And by "every medieval commoner" I'm referring to parts of the world that actually matter)
breweries in those years had really low output and production was seasonal, so people needed a lot of breweries to process the ingredients over a short time
>simply not enough grain because of primitive agriculture and ancient corn breeds
>grain dryers didn't exist, stocks went bad after a few months if the weather was wet
>primitive and unsanitary technology which led to a beer with short "shelflife" and an acidic taste
>technology used wild yeast that only produced a beer with less than 1,5% ethanol content
Yes, and medieval wine was also very different from the one we drink today, which doesn't change the fact that it was still wine.
The fact that medieval beer was far more nutritious, more porridge-like, and and less alcoholic (over 7% ABV was pretty much unheard of) doesn't change the fact that it was still beer. And it was in fact an essential part of an average commoner's diet, and absolutely widespread in the Middle Ages, in fact most likely more than it is today. And yes, it'd spoil after a week, but they could also be brewed just as quickly.
(Deleted my first post cuz I fucked up)
>no cute girl will ever come to cheer you up to your workplace
the drink you describe was not beer, it was a fermented drink made from flour of grains, water and yeast
it only lacked
>the taste of beer
>the aroma of beer
>the colour of beer
>CO2 in a diluted form
modern beer has very little to do with the beer the common's drank, wine is filtered more these days, but it's essentially the same