Anglos are bad guys
my ancestor :)
lmao what they gonna climb? 10 foot tall wooden huts?
Stacked rocks.
God I wish we'll be able to raid English villages and kill everybody.
too bad it's a ubishit game
can't wait for diverse and inclusive vikings murdering racist homophobic anglos :DD
wanna bet there won't be a single mention of Finland in this entire game unlike the sagas of Norse origin which heavily feature Finns
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Vikings are just Aqua-niggers who raided unarmed monks and burnt down libraries throughout Scotland and Ireland.
Literally the Somalis of Early Medieval Europe, it is only appropriate that modern Sweden have so many of them now.
I've heard there will be ships like in Assassin's creed Odyssey. So my guess is that we'll be able to travel within the Baltic sea and North sea, thus including Finland.
Be ready for 50% black female vikings representation.
fucking Ubisoft isn't making a game about BRITISHERS and INDIANS. it's literally the perfect time and place for an assassins creed type game. The British Empire, a globalist cabal spearheaded by a secret order who literally took over the world and based and redpilled Indians trying to weaken it.
i think i might myself try to make a game like that, I work as a programmer part time but I'm no artist.
how was the pirate assassins creed? seems like that one would lack things to climb also.
hard to argue with that desu
Anglos don't care about the Baltic or even Sweden only Norway and North Sea
Name one civilization whose wealth wasn't founded on force and violence to extort wealth.
But it's made by French Canadians, no anglos.
There is a difference
Venetians built one of the world's most beautiful cities as they enriched themselves via maritime trade and conquest
The Vikings were living in wood and mud huts, and Stockholm only became a respectable European city during the Renaissance and early modern period.
they made AC india as a side game, it's a 2.5D platformer and was pretty fun. You should check it out, you work as a Sikh assassin in 1900 India.
That's just historical fact, bro.
Colonial Havana + Jungle offered plenty of tall structures to climb
Early medieval Britain is literally lacking in forests and anything taller than a village church. Late medieval England has York Cathedral, Canterbury, etc. But that's 500 years after the Vikangz
and rape too!
>There is a difference
Venetians built one of the world's most beautiful cities as they enriched themselves via maritime trade and conquest
The Vikings were living in wood and mud huts, and Stockholm only became a respectable European city during the Renaissance and early modern period.
There is no difference in taking wealth of others by force and taking wealth of others by force both are theft, doesn't matter if you built some stone rocks
dont you try get my hopes up, there will be no mention of the Finns, Kvenland or Karelians.
Im suprised we see even a one Sami folk.
Fact is there is going to be more niggers than Finno-Ugrics.
Least the other proganonist modern life Otso Berg is Finnish.
they're just randomly putting the name AC on any game to sell more copies
sooner or later they'll decide it's too played out and name an AC game something else and call it new IP
that's exactly how AC came to exist when Ubisoft was trying to make a Prince of Persia game
Black VIKANGZ? muahahahahha our game now :D
why they make the protag ugly. Alexios, and Black Flag dude was sexier
>tfw born too late to on raiding trips to russia or england
Anglo's have always been the good guys in history
LMAO all the english soyboys literally shitting and crying of rage
Cope, you're evil, this game is historically accurate
oh no no no no
You forget Bjarmland.
So much wasted pontential and the will propably be dry as english people are located only in at the boring brittish landscape
Finally a game where I can play as myself
Hope to slaughter many *nglos in it
>rape, murder and steal from these innocent Britons, they're all templars LOL
I curse the French with every breath I take
It is YOU who is evil