East asia is good at making flag

east asia is good at making flag

Attached: 20200501_132840.jpg (694x682, 98.94K)

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All aesthetic besides NK which looks like some captain america shit. HK and Macau especially are goat


Attached: 800px-Flag_of_the_City_of_Harbin.svg.png (800x533, 35K)

Taiwan SAR

Attached: flag_of_special_administrative_region_of_taiwan_by_otakumilitia-d6dvbt0.jpg (800x533, 30.2K)

Pokémon tier

I feel like China's flag could be improved but don't know how
Fug. I was about to post this. Guess, I'll post this other one

Attached: taiwan-sar.png (1280x853, 104.29K)

China's flag is goat. It looks simple, recognizable and powerful. I like how it contrasts with the more cutesey designs for the SARs.

I guess but it's so communist desu

CCP's Chinese flag is ugly as fuck tho. Taiwan is also ugly trying to copy American style.
Pic related is the true Chad's flag and I don't even like the Qing Dynasty

Attached: Qing.png (1024x683, 76.47K)

Do you prefer THIS?

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_China_(1912–1928).svg (1).png (800x500, 859)

No, that one's uglier

China flag is awful. Mc Donalds looking commies.
Someone post the camel unified-asia one. Now THAT was cool flag. I'll look for it

I agree, they look simple and aesthetic, especially Macau and Hong Kong

You find it ugly just because you associate it with much evil CPC.
Objectively it's a simple flag with colors that are traditionally used in China by the emperors, nothing wrong with it.

>piss colored flag
>good ever
no. Maybe with a different color scheme.

Also, Qing Dynasty's anthem is pure Asian kino

Whenever I think about Asia this comes to my mind.

Yes but the design is so minimal it's timeless. It also looks powerful which is fitting of their behemoth of a cunt. It's very bold and neat to see their communist imagery still shown in the modern era contrasted with their advanced state capitalist economy with mega corporations.

But the stars are commie artifacts aren't they?

No, its because I don't like the combination of red and yellow. Its too agressive and unpleasant. I don't really dislike North Korea's flag even though they are also commies. Their flag is way more aesthetically pleasing.
The yellow of this flag, at least for me, bring some gold imagery to my mind. I look at this flag and think damn, that's a rich culture. Don't know how to explain Ameribro.

Yes the flag in general is communist, there is no wanted association with Chinese tradition.
But the red-yellow colour pattern was common in China even before the communists and you can still see it nowadays, during the holidays everything is red and gold.

Attached: GettyImages-821407668-5c279f54c9e77c0001894cf7.jpg (2877x2877, 714.46K)

Personally I like the flags of japanese prefectures.

Attached: japanese_prefecture_flag_map.png (4000x3260, 1.15M)

They're cool but kinda soulless.

Funny, when I think about China historically gold comes to my mind. Perhaps its because of the iconography and vestments of the Qing Emperors, but even so...

Attached: Qing Emperor.jpg (800x800, 386.78K)

Looks like E-Sports teams emblems. Don't like it desu.

gold was only (historically) for royalty specifically, red is a generally lucky color, hence why it's everywhere during holidays/celebrations.

I'm no expert but red was definitely popular among emperors pre-Qing.

Attached: 1200px-Shenzong_of_Song.jpg (1200x1845, 387.78K)

this. Half of them look like logos for an insurance company or something. Also lol at the radioactive logo one on the white province in the SW

Yes, but I can't erase the gold imagery I have for the historical China. I'm brainwashed. I can't conceive CCP China's flag being beautiful. To me its not evne Chinese at all, it looks somehting foreigner.
If only the red and gold were more like the classical Roman Empire type of colours. The way it is painted it looks too agressive and plastic.

Attached: Emperor.jpg (1541x2548, 1.2M)

I don't really like the colour red, but Hong Kong's flag looks good.


Looks bad IMO.

I'm not THAT big of a fan of the PRC flag either, but I recognise that it does fit their aesthetics. It looks better in real life btw, that red isn't nearly as aggressive on an actual flag.

SUPERIOR flag reporting in

Attached: tw_gay1.gif (324x216, 2.11K)

They literally had a recent a referendum and the no to gay marriage won by a large margin kek
Its not the colours alone, but also the stars. What does a star have to do with CHinese history? It looks too western.