Explain to me how the coronavirus is a bad thing in the grand scheme of things?

Air pollution drops so much people in Asia can see blue skies and the Himalayas in 50 years
People stopped buying shit they didn't need
CO2 emissions and pollution are vastly reduced
Suddenly working from home is acceptable
Everyone is becoming more critical of politicians and the elite

>b-but muh economy
Who gives a shit lmao. It's not like any of us have any money saved to lose. Fuck the economy with a fork for all I care.

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it's not, its what is going to happen afterwards that is bad

>that is bad
It's not though.

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Best thing to happen to the species in decades

we got arrogant, thinking we were above a cull. Let the planet breath, just sit back, relax, and watch the yanks tear themselves apart

>CO2 emissions and pollution are vastly reduced

Not the OP and I don’t have a source but a month ago was the first time in my 24 years of life in Los Angeles that I’ve seen the city without smog.

Good luck turning the tide against that which was spawned by and might as well be synonymous with the neolithic revolution. The chamber of guf was emptied in the late mesolithic, we are living on recycled souls ever since then.

>Everyone is becoming more critical of politicians and the elite
the opposite is true, orbanite antisemite

it's common sense but:



>People stopped buying shit they didn't need
not true, people go on shopping sprees online out of boredom, also drug and alcohol use are up significantly because people are bored, expect addiction levels to rise dramatically

In Québec, when the great depression happenned, in order to prevent people from dying from poverty because factories where closing like anywhere else, they began a colonisation plan in non-urban area up north. It wasn't a great success because the technology was limited but it did create multiple villages. The plan was mostly about making people more self-sufficient for the coming decade. They lived in poverty for a bunch of year and eventually the crisis ended and the mining industry was born for them.

highly rural area disconnected from big cities usually do well in those time. There's always a way out.

>chinks got exposed
>nurses got exposed as sociopaths since 50% of deaths come from nursing homes while they fucked around on tiktok
>black people died
>the mayor of new york finally called out jews for being filthy and not following rules
>i can change my grades in uni from a letter grade to exemption-passing meaning it won't fuck up my GPA if i get a C

It is pretty good tbqh

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>>b-but muh economy
>Who gives a shit lmao. It's not like any of us have any money saved to lose. Fuck the economy with a fork for all I care.

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american tier post

>also drug and alcohol use are up significantly

poles are turning to alcohol and drugs to numb their existential pain, who could've imagined. oh no wait, that's what Eastern Euros have been doing for decades

>>i can change my grades in uni from a letter grade to exemption-passing meaning it won't fuck up my GPA if i get a C
isn't this possible already?

it's the same in the us man and pretty much everywhere

Normies are evil cunts

>when people have to work
"Man work is so tiring me out I need alcohol to cope with it"
>when people have to stay at home
"Man staying at home is so tiring me out I need alcohol to cope with it"
It's not the circumstances, alcoholics will always be alcoholics, the only difference is now they don't have to worry about showing up drunk to work

leaf tier reply

yes but you needed a legitimate excuse to get an exemption and now everyone can do it

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USA declared liquor stores and weed dispensary as "essential" day 1. McDonalds too.

Unessential: School, library, parks, friendship, fun

It has normalized anti-Trump and anti-Israel politics.

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>normalized anti-Trump politics
um, do you live on trump.com or something

>it's the same in the us man and pretty much everywhere

I really don't have pity for alcoholics and drug users. Last year I tried helping an alcoholic friend. Visited him in the hospital frequently, bringing him shit almost every day.
Guess what he did like two weeks after he got out. Got verbally abused after I didn't let him drown in his own puke and called his father to collect sonny dearest.
You can't save anybody from themselves.

you can check the AQI stats. but i don't trust 'em because CHINA. and i trust my own nose/eyeballs more.

AQI was "good" in singapoor even when i saw smog in some crowded areas, and smelt burning plastic.

antiisrael and antijew was already normalised since obama years, and when moot refused to remove Yas Forums.

My uncle is an alcoholic he actually was in the nursing home for alcoholic dementia. Since Corona they put the nursing home in lockdown, he had a psychotic breakdown now hes at the psych ward.

Anyway I really love him. Alcohol is a very powerful drug thats why its been with us for so long and around the entire planet.

That's the upside. The downside is that we know fuckall about the virus and how it will affect people in the long term. From being just a flu bro that only threatens old people with pneumonia-like condition to situations in which recovered ones catch it again, organs like kidneys get damaged by the virus,... we just don't know what this little airborne mothafucka will do. Information about the virus has been a constant clusterfuck, the fact that the origin and the patient zero are still unknown is unsettling.

Because there's literally nothing to do.

>CO2 emissions and pollution are vastly reduced
>Air pollution drops so much people in Asia can see blue skies and the Himalayas in 50 years

That's all nice, but both air pollution and human fossil fuel burning are on the short-term side of time scales. Sure, NO2 columns as seen by TROPOMI etc., drop almost instantly when people stop driving their cars, but it'll also go up as soon as people start commuting again. Same for most other anthropogenic carbon emissions. Unless the current perturbation induces some more long-term or sysematic change, it'll just bounce back, but will be great for some scientific case studies.