Portugal is more Spanish than Catalonia and Basque(nia) are
Portugal is more Spanish than Catalonia and Basque(nia) are
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Galicia is more Portugal than Spanish, plus it looks nice if they joined Portugal
And Basque and Catalonia need to be fully independent
Basques are literally the true spaniards and scats are the beta version of castillians, so no.
But Portugal is Spain, that's correct
post straight out of Franco's boondocks
Wouldn't it be nice if Japan got balkanized into four countries just because of small unimportant differences in culture and language?
everyone in hispania is spanish, but only in a geographical context. Culture-wise the peninsula is a mess of cultural rape-babies, the only reason the languages are somewhat close is because the romans were very good at genociding, and we were very good at defying conquerors, which led to such levels of depopulation that only in the industrial revolution the numbers became even.
In 1640 castilians had to choose betwen keeping portugal or keeping catalunha, and they choose the later, so no we are not closer to castillians in any way or form compared to catalans or valencians.
Ryūkyū is more American and Chinese than Japanese, plus it looks nice if they joined China (they where a vasall state of China in the past).
And Hokkaido need to be fully independent.
But user, that's a good thing
You are rigtfully Leon vassals, kneel before your king right now!
i can't wait to join spanish civil war
Franco was right though, spanish is just basque latin.
¡No pasarán!
>you now remember that the original italian plan was to annex the balearic islands
that's just a silly statement
the lords of leon have long died, as did the culture and its people. A shame, really, but that's what happens when you deal with castillians
Those visig*th wannabes ruined the peninsula, more often attacked christians than muslims. Not to mention their self-destructive behaviour resulted in having foreigners rulling the peninsula, which pretty much was the start of the end for the prosperity in these lands
>Galicia is more Portugal than Spanish
We aren't, nobody here considers themselves portuguese
They are all spanish because they are iberian.
Nowadays Formentera is practically an Italian island, at least in summer. Although I don't think Mussolini would be proud of that kind of Italians (nudists and yonkis).
>In 1640 castilians had to choose betwen keeping portugal or keeping catalunha, and they choose the later, so no we are not closer to castillians in any way or form compared to catalans or valencians.
We were not on equal grounds with catalans, since we enjoyed a much higher degree of autonomy.
It was far easier for Spain to keep Catalonia than Portugal.
But I'm Spanish and I'm not Iberian (Mallorca).
youre an iberian living in an island then
¡No! Soy español y malloquín.
Balearics are Iberia, just not mainland
Aren't islanders seen as weird in all cultures? Sardinians, Corsicans, Gotlanders, Taiwanese, etc
>Balearic Islands are Spain, just not Iberian peninsula
Iberian Peninsula = Spain
Even portus like get it
How about go ask them in the /esp/ thread?
that is not as true as you might think. The Spanish kings never had much grip on their land because they avoided doing land reforms.
The core reason we never had much trouble reppeling spanish attacks was because castillians nobles would often ally us in order to further weaken their sovereign.
In 1640 they had a regent in portugal, yes, but they had foros in the other provinces which is not that much better, and again, spanish monarchs (hapsburgs at the time) only kept their throne because they spent silly amounts of wealth bribing everyone not to turn against them, which is tied to how overinflation destroyed their economy. Keeping portugal or keeping catalonia was a mater of prestige and/or pride, not of ownership, because income was devirtuated by american gold and soldiers were a plenty everywhere. Also they took our navy for themselves, and both us and the dutch made ships for them, and they were losing netherlands
Visca Catalunya Lliure
Nope, South Italy and Lombardy are more Spanish than Portugal