/brit/ + /ita/

Roman Britain edition

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are scousers the niggers of england?

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This is now a swamp thread

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WOULD tbqh

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could easily jump that wall with a bit of a run up

fucking hell

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Really makes you think

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genuinely used to think /brit/ was a waitrose-going general

all the foreigners vote labour for the free gibs. who'd have though.

irish are the niggards of europe and scousers are irish

gross man

trashy slag but looks too attractive to be english


anyone seen that operation odessa doc

Eternal Tory Reich

>who'd have though.
good job champ

When is this going to end lads? When can I see my girlfriend

this is a PROUD tesco general
the staple supermarket of the lower middle class gentleman

>scousers are irish
oh this is a fresh one
how new is this meme

My god I adore penises


in DESPERATE need of a big sister gf

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we're based

bath is a beautiful city
I kinda miss england (have been on Exchange for 6 month in 2015)

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saw her last night, she's doing fine

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WILL NOT LIE most penises are more attractive than most pussies

This is my fetish but fatties aren't.

On social media you get the impression that barely anyone is a Tory, they're so reviled and loathed there that you can be forgiven for thinking there's harldy any of them

Turns out, outside of young people in big urban areas, that's who the whole country is.

thats scotland mate

Literally not arsed if I get the rona. Would gladly sign away my right to NHS care if I could go to the pub.