I fucking hate all Asians so much

I fucking hate all Asians so much

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No, I think you hate yourself




shut up wh*teoid



You don't hate the Japanese, do you?(´-ω-`)

Stfu yank, you are the new dog in the wok.


if I was god, among asians only japaneses would be allowed to exist

I kind of like Indians

They’re all fucking insane with their own little insane neuroses

I want them to shut the fuck up and behave like the natural little worker bees they are

Yeah because you're a dumb weeb.

Pashtuns are cool bro

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i don't even like anime you retard fuck. god i hate italians


I can understand why you hate Chinese and Koreans, but why do you hate us too?


Fuck off hapa incel.


Why do you care what some goblino thinks about you

Why would they like short legged insects. And Koreans are alpha, you know it well lmao

And that's a good thing

Koreans are more plastic then they are human

seething chinknadian rat

What if I scared of Japanese?

Stay mad slope

Asians love you

You spread anime/degeneracy

Isn't spreading anime a good thing for betas?

You turned our boy Elon into a fag fuck uoooooo

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