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a burger with legs

Flying in open world games is bad for gameplay

t. Played wow

me and the gf

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>open world games is bad for gameplay

average american relationship


that's why i am playing wow classic

idea for a game: save screenshots with personal information to your desktop and also put images you're going to post on Yas Forums there as well.

R* is well on their way towards that. We had plenty of "the south were completely evil in the civil war" bullshit stuffed into RDR2 and conspicuously you couldn't fire your gun in the Indian reservation but you could fire it pretty much everywhere else. All the old Rockstar crew is long gone. Take2 only cares about milking their good name for money now

architects apprentice

Kind of solidifies the idea of sexual dimorphism and what men and women should look like- male strength, muscular frames, height, for hunting and protecting; female body fat and warmth for fertility and nurture


need a buck toothed luxembourgish gf

>everyone’s in a toga and laurels
>every man has a caesar haircut and all the women have braids
>white marble and crumbling ruins for some reason
It’d be shit

That amount of hat does not confer health/fertility/child rearing ability. You want a bit of fat, but that's obesity.

>morbid obesity

bully and manhunt were extremely edgy but not political

gta has always been left leaning in slagging capitalist yankers

The virgins are talking about games again. Surprise surprise

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R8 the names for my future son(s):

Just play Age of Decadence.

having "sex" with a man is only debatably sex mikey


Play this daily, really gets the ol' heart rate up. Not sure about 'fun' but certainly stimulating.

a literal 10

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imagine a GTA like game set in modern day london where you have niggards trying to stab you and pakis trying to run you over and blow you up

nah seen better

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that dumb cunt?

*imagines it*

yeah whats wrong with him?

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>this was 6 years ago

Rockstar game set in Cromwellian England

daft apart from joe and harry

fucks sake, guys like that fucking girls like that is what ruins it for us ugly guys.

really pissed me off in RDR2 there were only about 4 different types of revolvers with some reskins with made up states. All of them were just copy pasted from the previous game too

that actually has the potential to be good, lots of decent stereotypes like the cavillers, puritans and levellers etc to ham it up with, could definitely suit their style


Oh, life...

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Would rather the guys who did Kingdom Come do a sequel set in the 30 years war

yeah love R2D2 me, funny little robot haha

Set it a few years in the future so we can see the Great Fire of London

The 17th century in general is a fucking fantastic time period ngl so much crazy shit going on, it's always underrated and ignored by creative artists though

The rifle choice was better but yeah, most of the weapon diversity was disappointing as fuck. No LeMat especially was annoying, and the lack of bodypart-specific damage was a clear step down

checking myself in to a rehab centre for internet addiction

why? the civil war is far more interesting than some meme fire

i donn't understand what they did with the code they had for the physics in GTA4 and Max Payne. it's like they accidentally deleted them near the end of production and had to jury rig some bollocks together. R* games have some of the least satisfying shooting around these days

i simply couldn't be arsed with the sims level of details like eating and dieting . i quit when i reached the first camp

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shitfaced lads

fresh start romorrow

this was the video that got me into synthesisers and making EDM 9 years ago


just wanted equipmen that looked like it was out of an apollo space ship like this stuff, and eventually i got it

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Personally i love that kind of stuff. just disliked the game in lots of other ways

what does sex positive mean? bit of a slag

It got so bad that some historians call it:

> The 1640s in particular saw more state breakdowns around the world than any previous or subsequent period.[7][page needed][8][page needed] The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the largest state in Europe, temporarily disappeared. In addition, there were secessions and upheavals in several parts of the Spanish Empire, the world's first global empire. In Britain there were rebellions in every part of the Stuart monarchy (Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Scotland, Kingdom of Ireland, and British America). Political insurgency and a spate of popular revolts seldom shook the foundations of most states in Europe and Asia. More wars took place around the world in the mid-17th century than in almost any other period of recorded history. The crises spread far beyond Europe—for example Ming China, the most populous state in the world, collapsed.[14] Some states saw very few years of peace; for example Poland only saw 27 years of peace, the Dutch Republic 14, France 11, and Spain only 3.[20] An example of the impact of war on demography in Europe is Germany, whose population was reduced by approximately 15% to 30% in the Thirty Years' War.[21]


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I think game developers are wary of the time period because pike and shot combat is difficult to adapt to satisfying gameplay. You'd either have to have some RTT elements like Mount and Blade or even Total War, or balance the combat to work more like a melee game with firearms playing a more limited role than they realistically would have. Or have no large-scale combat at all and lean more to the RPG side of things

making your character fat or fit was novel in san andreas but without it being the first time it's boring. i assume thats why they dropped it for subsequent gta games.

there are survival/ maintenance games i enjoy i can do without genre blending

deary me


RPG would be the way to go. The setting is ideal for worldbuilding and factional struggles

is the last kingdom any good?

technically they're right

Its extremely rare for games to actually have large scale battles in them anyway. Whenever the final "battle" actually happens it's just you and 10 other blokes fighting like 20 enemies. They never design around proper scale sadly

Yeah it’s pretty “fun” just don’t take it too seriously