/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ so on and so forth

not sure what this picture is because the thumbnail was too small edish

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah I have a degree too but there's so many roles in the navy i'm not sure 100% where to start

Lads, important question

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>Silent migraine

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for me it's a roll on antiperspirant


just think it'll be better for her well being desu. seeing how she's 20 and i'm her first boyfriend ever and we got together last year i don't know how much i'm worried about her finding someone else. Always thought about the navy anyway

How fucking long is this game? I've literally been playing all day and I've just come to the "Assassins Creed Odyssey" title card.
Did they expect everyone to just blast through the main quest markers and not do all the side bits?

Is this the world you foresaw on new years eve /brit/?
Have to say I was highly optimistic for this year but unless the economic crash disproportionately affects the housing market I have a feeling it will be shit

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offended honey? facts dont care about your feelings, darling!

lol did she block you freako

Hitler killed 60 million people

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got an idea for that lad who's gonna join the navy
>have mate sleep with gf
>give her a week to confess
>if she doesn't say friend confessed
>break up with her for being a cheater

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used to doubt the existence of migraines until recently, disregarded it as a "women being flids" thing
had one ~6 months ago and it was horrible
could barely see
vision was all fucked up
felt sick
ended up throwing up
had to lie down for the rest of the day

Back from Tesco £30 poorer. Rate the haul
1 x 4x330ml Northern Monk IPA
1 x 4x330ml Evil Twin Pale Ale
2 x 440ml Cloudwater vs Brewdog NEIPA
1 x 440ml Salt DDH Double IPA
1 x 440ml Vocation Love & Hate IPA
1 x 440ml Brewdog vs Evil Twin Nitro Imperial Vietnamese Coffee Stout
1 x 440ml Magic Rock Ripe Times IPA
1 x 440ml North Brewing DDH IPA
2 x 500g Rummo Fusilli

makes the pits sticky

>Nazi kills 11 million
Wtf I thought (((they))) were claiming 6 million when did it double?

If they just mean war statistics then the (((allies))) killed more.


There's a huge rainbow outside!

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>muh people dying is always bad
Genocide is different from political executions.

was hoping to move out this year
not sure if this global crisis will make it more affordable or not
i'm fucked though if i lose my job but it's looking like it will be ok for the moment

you can always tell someone is a whiny bellend when you hear them use the word migraine for the first time

everyone gets headaches, but people who use the word migraine feel the need to extort extra sympathy from those around them. It is important that people know they're not suffering from JUST a headache, no no, their suffering is much worse. So much so that it is now classed as its own medical condition: a migraine

migraines are made up shite

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Thos is the kinda cat tree i want to get for my cat but also dont want to be one of those cat people

holy tarq


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nah you're buying a shit one if it's doing that
try sanex

I think they mean 6 million jews and 11 million non-jews

It's a physical illness not a mental illness. Can't see properly and can't read anything. They are called auras and usually proceed a normal migraine (which I get) but you can have the auras without the migraine (a silent migraine)

i just get a 6 pack of budweiser lol

What if the turns down the mate out of loyalty to him?

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nah have sex, but haven't had any in january
wasn't wearing aftershave then

6 million is just the jew figure silly

i'll come up with another plan


i was way more productive around toilfu

does this happen to men normally?

are womyn needed for us to be productive?

now all i do is play warzone and post on anime imageboards ffs


My job is safe but overall pay is down because no voluntary overtime anymore
Just want financial freedom from rentberg and his cabal of money grubbing property managers
Was meant to be breaking ground on a house of my own by years end but thats in jeopardy right now

Seriously though, where are the bones?

didn't learn that "Eau de Toilette" and "Perfume" were different things until well into my 20s

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Steal my fucking gimmick will you?

never worn aftershave in my life

You've obviously never had a migraine. It is very brutal and completely different from a normal headache. The after affects last for days.

>I've just had a Ford Fiesta

what did he mean by this

I don't have a toilfu but I was still more productive in an office because I was getting proper excercise every day and everyone around me was working

Same, it is rather confusing.

>when a fat nonce calls you ‘lads’
Actually pains me to think he might feel any camaraderie with me the vile niece fucking spastic

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i just get a bottle of the old frosted jacks

weirdly enough i'm watching a video on that

nap (siesta)

migraines are made up shite

he'll be steaming by 8

fair enough senpai, do what you want
i was just speaking as someone who was basically in the position of your gf when i was 17

I assume it's rhyming slang for siesta

the only thing more feminine than a migraine is a period

Just thought of a joke lads. Let me know what you think and if you get it.

What's the difference between an artist and a dictator?


why not just call it by the percentage

you're on the ropes kid, you'll be run out of /brit/ soon enough.

in a job where there's no overtime
after january it was looking like I might get a bit of a promotion but that's all gone out the window now

Very rarely smelt a woman with strong perfume and thought mm yes thats nice
Its mostly so obnoxious that its grim or so subtle that its totally unnoticeable
Have a fairly bad sense of smell though

ngl lads

really miss a coke sesh in a kitchen with the lads n gyaldems

just had a massive poo lads now my bum feels weird

literallllly this


Scandalous how cheap shopping in Lidl is. Makes you feel warm when everything flies through the till and the cost is half that of Tesco for products that are mostly just as good.

its slang for molester, nonce

hmmm interesting

dont like this non working lifestyle

we all do lad

lockdown = bargaining.

"if I only go out for essentials, the 'rona won't get me".

Thoughts on these Yanks? They seem like a friendly couple imo


watching S01E01 of Life on Mars on BBC iPlayer
and thoroughly enjoying it

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How many people has capitalism killed

Yeah because Hitler is responsible for the all the deaths of the pacific theater you utter mong


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most perfumes and aftershaves just aren't very pleasant smelling
they always seem like a cope for smelly people who can't be bothered washing

unironically yes
he started the whole war

what does it say?

The workfu is into capeshit. Not sure I like her as much anymore

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Slight fragrances are nice. No one really likes overwhelming ones

it's not to stop everyone getting it, it's just to slow the rate of spread.

if it were up to me there would be no lockdown or anything.

think I'm gonna quit drinking with the help of antihistamines

has every accidentally piss, shit and vomited in primary school

LOL how hard do you have to try to come up with fresh nonsensical gibberish?

but you feel all grim having to battle through the hordes of bedraggled pensioners and delinquents, then wait 20 mins at the two tills they have open

Oh my gosh, she watches movies instead of posting for 10 hours a day on an anime board?

same girl

t. facial recognition expert

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None. A voluntary system of trade between consensual adults doesn't make people kill each other.

is she just in to capeshit or other *shit

to make trillions

I just type the words

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Indeed, but as soon as it ends people are going to start dying at the higher rate again. I mean it's obvious. We can't just keep sitting around sniffing each others farts forever.

Mental how much better my life si by literally just cutting out bad food/junk food.
Just start drinking water and green tea, eat fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and biscuits and cook healthy meals with at least two different veg in and it changes your world.

Better skin, feel miles better mentally, exercising better, looking healthier, sleeping better, more alert. Literally all it took was not eating shit.

Big sugar did a big number on me.

Is this some kind of incel logic? Deodorant is so you don't smell bad or rather you are scentless and aftershave is so you smell nice.


>A voluntary system of trade between consensual adults doesn't make people kill each other.
I bet you thought this sounded smart

every single death since the Industrial Revolution

It was a joke about Hitler, lads. Cuz if he was better at perspective he wouldn't have become a dictator.

doing a watch

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can feel the calcium accumulating on my pineal gland just looking at this image

Kid? I've been posting on 4channel since before you were born. Be careful

yeah shes called natalie austin lads

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healthberg falseflag

It's contrarian drivel. Unpopular adolescents believe it's a replacement for a personality.

The Chad fro-j vs the virgin IPgay

y'all n words be trippin

Clap detector van just drove past

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What would you do if I died?
Would you fly out for my funeral?
Get too drunk at my wake?
Would you make a scene then?
Climb in and try to resuscitate me?

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>Deodorant is so you don't smell bad or rather you are scentless
that's what antiperspirant is for since it stops you sweating which is what makes you smell

deodorants are usually a much lighter scent and tend to be fine
aftershaves and perfumes are just too intense and just stink
awful smells
it's not contrarian I'm just stating my opinion
stop seething


>Big sugar lobbyists posting ITT right now.

Hitler killed 6 billion jews

Japan was already at war mate, and attacked the US who wasnt even involved in war

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