DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2372

DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for 初心者 and 博士 who are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome as well

Edgelords who try to sabotage the learning process of others are NOT welcome!

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

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>good OP image

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In cafes and libraries and coworking spaces. Wherever I could get wifi and was comfortable.

I haven't really read about it and still use zoom from time to time right now. Is it that big of a deal?

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Which do I need to read the manga with the qt you guys are posting? :3 pic related

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You need an online dictionary and a bit of patience.

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For what it's worth you will probably want to use the hiragana readings for some terms
>I want to be anonymous on the rest of Yas Forums
But why would you want to visit/post there :~)


>I think it's N3? or you'd be that after finishing the series.
There used to be some pirate translation sites listing that one but it seems all of them were suddenly eradicated.

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is halloween actually a thing in Japan?

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Is it actually useful though if you have to look up every word, or even every third word?



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Its a time where sloots dress up and go to shibuya to get fucked by random guys

As much as it is in Germany I'd say.

Yes and you will absolutely look up every other word at the start.

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Personally I don't appreciate it but yes it's been becoming a thing, especially in Tokyo.

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just spent 25 minutes getting frusturated trying to read vertical japanese text only to realize i was reading it in the wrong direction

>if you have to look up every word, or even every third word?
when you start to get into reading, you will most likely not be able to avoid this anyway. but it will still be helpful if you keep going

okay I see, kind of figured that much

I will do 2k/6k for 1 or 2 months and get 1000 vocabulary or so before because I am at about 100. I like asking questions for the future though so I don't panic when I get there heh....

Is there any program to look up the words fast if it's a PDF manga?

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I've seen some OCR stuff in general but I never used them.

>get 1000 vocabulary or so before
you can try to start earlier than 1000 words though. it will be a pain either way, but you might be able to pick up a couple new words on the way and also learn how recognize/apply grammar rules that you have read about

>Is there any program to look up the words fast if it's a PDF manga?
personally I use JGlossator. you can combine it with OCR like Capture2Text. not sure if it's the best, but it works reasonably well

How much time do you guys devote to listening? I just like reading a lot more so I don't get enough listening practice. I've been trying to watch some slice of life anime without subs to catch my listening up.

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I listen to jpod101 in the car and casually watch some japanese subbed anime

I listen to and
I also watch Anime but often with Japanese subtitles if available.
And I also still rip the audio from Anime I've been watching and put it on my phone to listen to it for at least 20-30 minutes every day before I fall asleep.

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Also youtube and hololive streamers, I tend to forget about that but I guess I still watch them semi often.

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Which reminds me I should also listen to again now.
I forgot I wanted to do this.

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I'd recommend watching some reality tv with modern Japanese and mimicking sentences while watching it. Helps a ton with acquiring vocab and mastering grammar desu,

Terrace House is pretty good for that.

It has a lot of the kind of Japanese you'd hear on the streets talking to your peers if you're under 40.

care to elaborate?

I listened to 平成の最後の告RADIO last year and it was fun.

Do this but watch ロケみつ instead though.

Based jahy sama I should get back into that manga

>mimicking sentences while watching it. Helps a ton with acquiring vocab and mastering grammar
does that actually work? i see how it would improve your pronunciation, but grammar and vocab? hmmmm

>improve your pronunciation
My opinion is the other way around.
Speaking it loud would soak grammar rules into your brain and maybe vocabulary as well, but as for pronunciation... I hope so.

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I think I should have said "drill" instead of that..

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mhmhm i will try it out sometime and see