""""Jewish"""" country

> """"Jewish"""" country
> more than 20% arabs.

We need to be 100%.
That is a true homeland.
Japan is 99% Japanese for example.

Attached: Stats.jpg (1100x1200, 460.41K)

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I bet you say this and at the same time shit talk haredim

Well nigga, the japs were on that shitty island since forever ago. You niggas on the other hand decided to just "lol ancient texts haha mine now"
Some arabs were still there you know...

You are arabs too

But Shahar you're just Arab with Judaism

I remember that Israel was 7m

Ehh not exactly.

I mean if you don't want any more Arabs in your country, you can stop occupying their lands anytime you want. Just saying.

shahar dont worry its gonna be fine,
also come to /isr/ stop hating us and talk to us

Attached: 1588194392821.jpg (1648x2328, 490.05K)

you wanted to leave on tuesday how do you not make it for 2 days.

I am leaving on Saturday hans instead .
I don't want to be bored on the weekend.
You fat german incel from dortmund.

You are never going leave. You dont have any willpower.
You waste of oxygen from Tel Aviv

What are you suggesting, dumb attentionwhore? that we go Nazi on the arabs?


This time I mean it for the first time.
You will see.
Wait until Satirday and you will see mr. hans shumacherzubermacher from frankfurt who works for mercedes benz.

>This time I mean it for the first time.
What does your family think about you litterally never contributing anything?

Why do we care

Your life holds no value here

white-jewish is a fake jewish.
true jewish is Semitic

mizrahi are also arabs

There's no such a thing as ''jewish race" you guys and local arabs (exceptionally from syria and lebanon) are mostly the same people.

>We need to be 100% (arab).
>That is a true (arab) homeland.

Israel is run by the Ashkenazim, Jewish converts

Zionism is a scam

ref. livescience.com/40247-ashkenazi-jews-have-european-genes.html

Attached: synagogueOfSatan.jpg (600x600, 42.49K)

>jews are inbred wh*teoids
imagine my shock

>move to arab land
>keep annexing more and more arab land
>wtf why are there arabs here? AAAAAH YHWH SAVE ME

Arabs are the same kind of semitic people, they also speak a very similar language.
What do you suggest? Importing more ethiopian Jews?

>In 2009, out of the total Israeli population, 75.5% were Jews (5.7 million), 20.3% were Arabs (1.5 million) and 4.1% were defined as others (0.3 million).
Ratios have been pretty stable for a while

I can't believe 20% is gaijins.

Azhkenazi jews are the gaijins. They're genetically mostly eastern european not semitic at all

Yes, that's exactly what happened

Attached: 1587563610835.jpg (600x449, 93.07K)

Arab jews are the original jews though, the rest of you are european larpers

Israel belongs to the black Israelites, whitoids have no claim to the holy land