We can fix Spain

The Franco dictatorship took advantage of this Spain's geostrategic position in the cold war to obtain help from USA, just imagine the money that the Chinese could invest here, in addition to helping us pay the debt.

eu is a failed project, we have seen how it has failed in every way, I think it is time to play our cards.

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you guys can only be fixed with the cleansing glow of atomic fire

>The Franco dictatorship took advantage of this Spain's geostrategic position in the cold war to obtain help from USA, just imagine the money that the Chinese could invest here, in addition to helping us pay the debt.
You would need to meet the same educational standards and average academic scores as ethnic Germans.

There's no way this shithole can be fixed

We aren't in the Belt and Road Initiative, we sided with the Mutts because reasons.

one of the most based posts ever
the thought of spain being nuked sexually arouses me

will you post Marcos Asensio now?

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Spain is a shithole because every country took full advantage of the XX century for true unification but that didn't happen here (something something Franco).
thread: We coUlD iMitaTe FraNco

This country is hopeless brainlets make up a good 80% of the population


Why would the chinese care about your debts? It's entirely your fault

fuck off , we aren't talking about you

Imagine being salty about events that happened more than 400 years ago.

>everyone is wrong except me, i'm enlightened and superior

coronabonds happened 400 years ago?

the worthy of Spain who have stem degrees should be united in a singular ethnic group to the exclusion of the retarded.

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Your country cannot be fixed, it's the most horrible dystopia ever conceived.

Imagine thinking that he is ethnic Netherlander or European

barely any spaniard excels in that field, check our nobel prize winners, mostly literature ones, MUH HUMANITIES

I'm not making retarded threads

I'm sure it's because of the coronabonds

I wish there was a magic solution but it's more complex

you think immigrants give a fuck about coronabond? it is the ethnic dutch who hate you
moroccans and turks probably consider spaniards and italians their cousins because you look and act the same

based, we love our turkish and moroccan brothers as well, European Caliphate by 2050 Allah willing

Well I'm guessing he is but who knows

I try hard myself but people don't give a fuck around here about math, even the engineers don't care

Listen retard the average dutch isn't autistic enough to hate the average spaniard because government bad that's the tribal thoughtprocess of morons like you. t.knows dutch people

of course not, but do you think average people are autistic and hateful enough to browse Yas Forums?

>you think immigrants give a fuck about coronabond?
I know that there's a Catalonian expat and 2 Morrocans that post in the Spanish threads from Netherlands usually, I assume that you are one of these 3.

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t. Panchito
t. Moroccan who posts Marco Asensio pics every single day

I'm not those things I'm bored because of quarantine and want to chat and learn what's up in yurop.

i literally only do it to get (You)s
it's like a drug to me and spanish posters always deliver

why do dutch people hate us so much? like what did we do to you guys? i thought we were cool...

Chinese management and Spanish work ethic won’t mix well.


That's acceptable, this is just LARP; we don't genuinely hate each other unless one of us is sub 80IQ , it's just a way to get (you)s and have some fun as you said.

it's just for fun
i enjoyed the thread wars we had in march
you must be real autistic to think this is all real

We're actually very similar. We're both slimy fucks that are always looking for ways to win more money by doing less work.