
based edition


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first for dogs of the sea

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first for juice box vodka

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im a native american

This is my favorite burger. After Corona I'll go get one.

Attached: Drisc.png (550x626, 380.02K)

i have indigenous in me

cant wait to go to my first anime con and be that 30yo molester

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looks kinda tasty, what's all on it?

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I want to feel that fluff

Is there anyone here who actually still supporting Trump for real irl like seriously in a serious manner or real things?

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looks good, why not get it delivered

urkel is a rape fetishist and is a pedophile

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twas' ok, my day was pretty similar. loneliness is getting to me

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>hungry as fuck
>want to get hammered fast
>can't do both

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why would a spic care? americans dont care about whoever the fuck your el presidente is

politics are gay dude i failed political science

These are trannies aren't they...

44% of Americans and way too many Canadians


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nope, you are native OLMECstani

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i sure hope not

>can't do both
dont limit yourself, user. it's time to eat your booze.

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Super interesting...

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I imagine myself in El Paso, leading my squad. Our mission is to stop @m*rican scum from advancing. We mow down @m*rican scum but they keep coming. I shoot @m*risharts but I run out of rounds so I draw my Five-SeveN and begin slaughtering @m*risharts, since @m*risharts are much inferior to me, I slay them by the dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. @m*rican snipers were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see PANCHO VILLA (EL CENTAURO DEL NORTE) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Aztlan, my homeland. My NAHVA ancestors gave me a warm welcome to mictlan. I finally made it, I finally made it into mictlan...

Just butt chug it, dude

>why would a spic care? americans dont care about whoever the fuck your el presidente is

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Angus+pork patty marinated in beer, cheddar and chihuahua cheese, apple chutney, bacon, chipotle mayo, ketchup, tomato and spinach.
The place is only doing deliveries due to Corona and live too far from there, out of range for delivery even for Uber eats.

shan't be voting in november and that will piss off my parents because muh citizens duty

Attached: 1585853399204.webm (720x720, 2.49M)

>I imagine myself in El Paso, leading my squad. Our mission is to stop @m*rican scum from advancing. We mow down @m*rican scum but they keep coming. I shoot @m*risharts but I run out of rounds so I draw my Five-SeveN and begin slaughtering @m*risharts, since @m*risharts are much inferior to me, I slay them by the dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. @m*rican snipers were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see PANCHO VILLA (EL CENTAURO DEL NORTE) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Aztlan, my homeland. My NAHVA ancestors gave me a warm welcome to mictlan. I finally made it, I finally made it into mictlan...

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sounds alright. could be worse, eh? i feel you though, sucks big time.

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Trump's been overall disappointing but he's more interesting than Biden so I'll vote for him

wh*Te subhuman seethe

/cum/ is filled with a lot of letoids. A lot of vocal ones at least.

I genuinely wonder if Jason unironically approves of Trump though seeing as Jason is such an ultra conservative while Trump is a massive neocon.

>fall into a depression
>friends try to text / call me to make sure I'm alright
>can't muster the effort to tell them I'm alive but I also feel very guilty for not responding

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You are not aztec you retarded olm*c

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>has friends

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What happened to Peterstein? Last I heard he started abusng drugs. Has he recovered?