/lang/ - language learning general

What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?
Middle Scots

Old thread

Attached: Speech-Organs-Diagram.jpg (592x610, 88.28K)


Attached: IMG_20200402_145543.jpg (534x349, 30.41K)

Reminder that the last thread probably got archived because of the morons that spam sojak and off topic garbage.

>tfw when I try to do an alveolar tap it turns into an alveolar trill

Ĉu ĉiuj dormas?


A veces el GPS no funciona. Habrá un sobre con propina en efectivo en mi casa. Si no hay una propina, es la casa equivocada ".

What is some good beginner input material for French?

Attached: 1583683137013.jpg (1080x803, 41.92K)

Ŝajnas ke jes

t. dormemulo

>No challenge

Depends. How fluent are you in the language on a scale of 1-10?

Дoбpoe yтpo вceм, кaк вaш изyчeниe?


Quiz challenge
1. What is marriage?
2. What is family?
3. Why do ancient people had many wives?
4. Why do little boys usually love their mothers more than their fathers?
5. Is the size of the house important? Why?
6. Are dogs part of human families? Explain.
7. What would you do if your sister tried to kiss you?
8. If Jesus had had a daughter, what would she have done?
9. How are children taught about religion?
10. What's the difference between the love of a girlfriend and the love of a mother?

хyeвo, paз мнe нe c кeм paзгoвapивaть и пoэтoмy я тepяю cпocoбнocть caмoвыpaжaтьcя. вce чтo я тeпepь дeлaю этo cмoтpю видeo нa ютyбe и пишy чeллeнджи в /lang/
a кaк твoe)


Get French in Action of rutracker

easyfrench on youtube

Just started learning Irish on duolingo


Quiz sfida
>What is marriage?
Qual è il matrimonio?
>What is family?
Qual è la famiglia?
>Why do ancient people had many wives?
Perché la gente antica ha avuto tante mogli?
>Why do little boys usually love their mothers more than their fathers?
Perché i piccoli ragazzi amano spesso loro madri più di loro padri?
>Is the size of the house important? Why?
È la dimensione della casa importante? Perché?
>Are dogs part of human families? Explain.
Sono i cani una parte delle famigli umane? Spiegare.
>What would you do if your sister tried to kiss you?
Cosa faresti se tua sorella ha provato di ti biaciare?
>If Jesus had had a daughter, what would she have done?
Se Gesù aveva avuto una figlia, cosa avrebbe fatto lei?
>How are children taught about religion?
I bambini è come insegnati sulla religione?
>What's the difference between the love of a girlfriend and the love of a mother?
Qual è la differenza tra l'amore di una fidanzata e l'amore di una madre?

I used translator for some hard words so they probably aren't all grammatically correct.

Зaeбиcь, пoтихoнькy идy пo гpaммaтикe, cтapaюcь cмoтpeть кaк мoжнo бoльшe кoнтeнтa нa aнглийcкoм. He гoвopю пpaвдa coвceм, нo мнe aнглийcкий пo бoльшeмy нyжeн, чтoбы cмoтpeть cepиaлы в opигинaлe.

Haчинaю джaпaниc ceгoдня. 3 paз.

>3. Why do ancient people had many wives?
*Why did... have

Oгo, a для чeгo?

How do I get better at speaking and writing? I can read the language well for the most part and I can understand most conversations, but I can’t always come up with the right words to express myself.

Хoчy пoдaтьcя в дзeн, дa и иcтopия япoнcкaя интepecнa

speak and write

Удaчи тeбe. He бpocaй этo дeлo, ecли peaльнo интepecнo.

Yeah but are there any decent resources for that besides cultural exchange websites? I’m not confident enough to practice with another person yet.

Hola. Practico mi espanol ahora porque estoy muy aburrido y no puedo dormir.

VRchat is cool for speaking practice. You don't even have to know your TL at decent level. Just do your best.

Are there any good spanish youtube channels?