/desi/- chadnaldo edition

Empty general

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I will make all Jews take a shower and then make soap from your fat to give to Indian bros.



Jinnah was a based Hindv bvll though, he came from a le happy merchant family.


i must have eaten like 5 cows since ramadan started, calfs too
i am eating so much meat

You are eating (((Muhammad))) when you eat cow meat

this thread really opened my eyes to how treacherous and filthy hindus are.
you subhuman dothead cowworshipping lentilmunchers always talk shit about islam, always talk shit about afghans when they are mentioned outside of desi, meanwhile i always defended you subhumans and dont mention hinduism in a negative light
even yesterday i btfo'd some whitoid who talked shit about india when i said i went there but now i realize indians are a slave race, a backstabbing cowpiss drinking subversive ugly dothead curryfucking dalkhor vegetarian
i sincerely wish all hindus get cancer and die, and i personally butcher 10 cows and let the meat go to waste just because i hate you. may the pakis nuke you to dust and level all your cowworshipping temples

We wuzz Mughale and sheet

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Chaar chawani ghode pe
Allah mere lode pe

Fucking Hindus, genociding and talking shit about Muslims.

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Why are pakis always so scared of us?

I ended my cooming fast with pic related, not my proudest fap but certainly my most satisfying one.

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What's that thing lowering his shirt down?

Muhammad's massive kebab, built for Aisha's tight pussy

I wish I could have saved aisha from this pedophile

Kashmiri bro has been killed by savage CRPF infidels.

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Reminder that only Dalit bvlls can hold such redpilled opinion.

what's for dinner bros

dosa time for me

That's actually me

Rishi Kapoor.

More like IsHeDead Kapoor? Lmao

i want a NE indian gf

will you breed a cute indian twink hmmmm?

Wtf is this article

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Don't know if it is just a clickbait troll article or serious, but considering the same newspaper once ran a story many many years ago claiming 36% of NASA scientists were Indian, the latter wouldn't surprise me.


Redpill me about cows street shitters

Provides milk, cheap source of nutrition for a fuck ton of poor people, even though a third of the populace is lacrosse intolerant

Desi desu :3

exactly it's great and cheap nutrition, so why not just eat it?

Cow slaughter is banned only in northern states mostly.

based tamil kings, jainists rise up

Well, technically speaking. The tamil kings weren't jain. They offered patronage to jain monks over brahmins.