Wh*Te people

>wh*Te people

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yes maam

thats much more an asian thing thou


Yes. Except I've told my parents a million times that I'm a useless bum and they should kick my lazy ass out of their house already, but they won't. I just had a talk with my mom about that a couple weeks ago and she refused to acknowledge the fact that I'm a total loser. She told me I had so much potential and that one day I would rule the world. I don't deserve my parents.

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Seriously what is wrong with these KKKrackers? Why can't they get their act together like noble, industrious PoC?

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Why is it only wh*Toids who kick out their children at 18? Spaniards and Italians live with their parents even past 25, and it's totally okay. Why do wh*Toids hate their own children so much?

then move out and stop being a burden faggot

thats not how u hold a cigarette wtf is wrong with affleck

How am I supposed to afford rent with no education? And I can't kill myself because that would make things even worse.

get an education

You are literally me. I repeatedly told my parents to kick me out of the house years ago, but they wouldn’t. And now I’m at the point where I’m too comfortable and decedent to care and don’t even try anymore. I have just accepted that I’ll have to face the consequences when my parents are too old to support me and I’ll have find a way to support them when reality comes full speed at my face. I’m only motivated to deal with problems when they’re out right in front of me.

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Wie alt bist du?

Wh*toids are subhumans that have no soul.

>Useless NEET being judged by a panel of plastic stacies in front of an audience of soccer moms and menopausal spinsters
HAHAHAH. Wh**toids can breed some serious degenerates but at least they know how to put on a good show

Traditional, strong nuclear families =/= useless NEET selling granpa's pills. Try again Kaydeen.

I remember a video showing here when the mayor somewhere in Vancouver talking about the inclusion of Chinese is important and she loves Chinese people and then a Chinese student walks in kicks her in the stomach and runs off lol.
I think she ended up visiting the hospital.

mostly americans, they ship their kids out at 18 even the blacks and hispanics

Stop being 5'7" and then I might listen to you, subhuman.

>mfw parents threaten to kick me out I just say I will kill myself and it will be their fault

works everytime

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As if NEETs aren’t a problem in asia lmao. Japan literally invented and popularized terms like NEET and Hikamori to describe the phenomenon of kids in their country not wanting to join the work force.

Searching the name Kaydeen returns nothing but black women. Why are you so retarded?

I want to move out, but I can't find a job.

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I'll have to try, I guess, but all these years as a NEET left their marks, desu. I'm kind of a retard nowadays and mentally unstable.
Yup, quite exactly what my life feels like right now. I've always thought I'm the only one. I mean, I know there are more failures out there, but I thought my life is at least somewhat unique. Yet here you are, 100% me. Spooky.

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Based black bull rejecting wh*Teoid hygiene standards and living in tune with his ancestors.

I swear, this is like the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen a Canadian flag post this absolute bullshit.

The whole “parents kicking kids out of the house when their 18” thing is hardly exclusive to, nor even most prevalent in the US. It’s a Northern European/Anglosphere thing in contrast to Mediterranean/Hispanic countries where kids live with their parents much longer. Kids move out of their parents home in Scandinavian countries way more early on average than Americans. And it’s becoming increasingly untrue in all those countries as more and more millennials and zoomers are choosing to live with their parents for a longer time.

The hosts kept being so smug towards him even though he admits it's gotten him nowhere and he's a loser. It's like they think their opinion is so incisive and that's why they're on a panel of 5 or so people so they each can keep the show running if one isn't interesting enough even though they broadcast to stay-at-home wives.
Yes, I'm a NEET, you don't have to point out that I'm being butthurt.

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I don't hate da juice, foreigners or women, I'm quite liberal actually. And I've never used other people as scapegoats for my own shortcomings.

I feel you, but the people who are laughing at him probably grew up in the hard life and think the struggle of wanting to be productive but not being able to motivate oneself to do so is trivial. They were just thrown in to a situation at an early age where they were FORCED to scrap and be productive.

Every person has their struggles, for people like us, we just gotta keep waiting and living life the best we are able to.