Do modern east Germans know they share a similar (not the same) ethnogenesis to West Slavs (some cities and rivers in...

Do modern east Germans know they share a similar (not the same) ethnogenesis to West Slavs (some cities and rivers in Saxony still have Slavic names iirc)? Does that get brought up in German history class at all?

Attached: Polak_garbage.png (800x581, 73.66K)

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>Does that get brought up in German history class at all?
no, dont know what they teach you in history class...

>some cities and rivers in Saxony still have Slavic names iirc
Not just saxony but also Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
A shitload of towns and villages in my region have a "ow"-ending for example.
>Do modern east Germans know they share a similar (not the same) ethnogenesis to West Slavs
I really dont give a fugg, I always liked slawen to a certain degree...

Germanics, Slavs and Baltics used to be one group, but there's no point in going that far back, it's not really meaningful for our lives in any way.

wasn't talked about in history class (lots of important world history wasn't talked about, we rather discussed societal phenomena in general and focused on domestic German history a lot, in newer history at least)
but what's now East Germany wasn't even part of Germany when it emerged after the dissolution of the Frankish Empire

Attached: German language 962.png (800x874, 1.48M)

It's not that simple. Croats and Slovenes are both Slavs with a substantially different ethnogenesis. It's true that if you go back far enough we can trace pink nipples to Corded Ware culture or something.

Germany is interesting because Germanics neatly assimilated the Slavs of eastern Germania, as shown by modern studies.


Attached: 23andMe_East_European.png (800x581, 63.44K)

these groups were all considered germanic until the 18th german humanists developed a different theory that is the basis of modern thought.


Learn to read, it's a specific R1a marker associated with indeed Western Slavic tribes.

No R1a older than the High Middle Ages can actually be associated with Slavs

indians and central asians are mostly r1a, do they fit as slavic too?

Attached: centralasianpower.png (780x510, 75.51K)

no, history class is only holocaust

Except that it can and that it Vindicates old maps, hence why I asked if it's brought up in German class.

It's a marker associated with tribes that at a certain point in time spoke West slav dialects.

Attached: 1280px-Slavic_tribes_in_the_7th_to_9th_century.jpg (1280x1214, 335.12K)

hungary my brothers

Attached: 1583097576202.png (4592x3196, 1.31M)

That's an asian specific subclade, you have a Snownigger specific one as well. I don't get your Point.

why do you lie? We barely discussed the Holocaust in my school.


Attached: EHG_Eurasia_context.jpg (2484x1704, 2.23M)

I really dislike this map
it makes me feel dizzy looking at Europe like that

Nope, R1a in Central Europe, including """West Slavic""" R1a like M458, all predates Slavs. Early Slavs were all I2 and E1b, with no R1a. Central Europe in the Early and High Middle Ages was a mutt region of I2, I1, G2a, E1b, R1b, R1a, etc. R1a only began to emerge as the dominant Y-DNA in Central Europe from the Late Middle Ages onwards due to unknown processes

that's what I suspected too.

pooland shares many things with india

1. both are poor

2. both have over 80% r1a

3. pooland is common name for both. india being poo-land.

4. both are viewed the same by brits, indians often get to polish toilets just like the poolish guest workers.

its almost like every state does their own shit

willing to bet money your school did not talk about the Holocaust 24/7 and you're just an assblasted stormfag

Which Slavic paternal line you got trannyboi
almost cer-tain-ly >R1a
you got the essence

Ideally L664 or Z284 since then I would get the R1a aesthetics but without the baggage of ever being associated with Slavs by accident

I don't know what to make of that claim, post your sources please. But you can clearly see a strong correlation between West Slavs and the posted haploshit.
Not high res enough, for example our R1a subclade is closer to some obscure Russian one than Polish.

Attached: 1521023732844.png (733x835, 423K)

Do West Slavs know that the Germanics came there before they did?

Do West Slavs know that Haploshit has nothing to do with nations?

Do West Slavs know that ethnogenesis is a cultural thing and since everyone belongs to the same cultural group from Porto to Warsaw, this thread sounds like some ideological attempt to make East Germans Slavs?

Do West Slavs know that Europe is a cultural concept and there is no point of cutting off half of the map?

I'm sorry but that's not enough samples, especially if you are interested in early medieval Slavs.

Now my claims are also theoretical but still you can see an overlap between medieval slav speakers and R1a on German lands.

Here one with Austria included, R1a correlates the medieval Slavic principality of Carantania.

Attached: Slavd.png (602x641, 143.21K)

>Do West Slavs know that Haploshit has nothing to do with nations?
It has everything to do with migration patterns which precede nations...

>Do West Slavs know that ethnogenesis is a cultural thing and since everyone belongs to the same cultural group from Porto to Warsaw, this thread sounds like some ideological attempt to make East Germans Slavs
It's a wholesome historic discussions, ofc People from Saxony are as German as Bavarians, Slavs are gone but their migration markers remain.

And yes there were Goths on Polish soil before Slavic arrival.

Why are Rumpanians and Hungypsians such gigantic german cocksuckers?

I've already proven it causes mental illness which is why it's almost extinct

Nothing wrong with getting extincted :)

we don't like Slavs.