You're cunt

you're cunt
what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

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your sister's

Why are they all dressed like prostitutes?


Maximum incel.

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Cookie dough

pineapple and coconut

Attached: La-Frutta-Abacaxi-Coco.jpg (740x563, 98.69K)

blood of my enemies

Probably hazel or pistacchio.

BLACK ice cream?

Dulce de leche

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I hope a weevil lays eggs in your brain jungle faggot

Probably sesame seed it’s good and was all over Instagram

big black chocolate

>per portion
>package contains one gorillion portions

imagine being fat enough to fall for this

Normies always make fun of me when I talk about my favorite flavor, why do they love to consume so much ice cream, they've tasted some flavors I've never heard of

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my favorite flavor is lemon and apple probably

Blacked ice cream

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dulce de leche granizado yum





hes right tho

it's a rave you dunces

cookies n cream

This one time a korean ice cream cart came to my hood and I asked the nigga for some coffee liquor+hazelnut. It was so good the nigga made me a discount because he didn't know about how good the combination was.

Green Tea

lucuma FTW

i liked strawberry
i dont really like ice cream though

every nutritional table here is per portion
is it different in sweden?

do incels really?