/cum/ + /centralamerica/

Thelema and LSD use


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I'm going to join the army.

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I'm so bored, and my attention span has been lowered so much, I am in hell, I need weed and junk food

I miss Saint Terry

urkel is black lole


/cum/ is way too FRICKING fast

Should i buy one of those playstation classics for lulz?
pic unrelated

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perseus is not who im looking for hmm
hes used in saying like when you have to go against big enemies

LOL terry davis is programming HellOS right now
what a loser

is tomorrow cool? drinking, won't be able to understand me in like an hour
my hair is curlier desu, not that long yet tho. show you l8r lmao.

david and goliath?

>"gay memes"

Just won a debate with a retard faggot

Did Terry get to see a priest before he died?

david isn't a greek myth brainlet

For me, it's the BRAVE BROWSER. The best internet browser. I even download the BRAVE BROWSER on my phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop because the BRAVE BROWSER DEVELOPMENT TEAM is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for 3 ads to be blocked and they blocked three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly BRAVE worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the BRAVE BROWSER greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS blocks every ad, cookie, and tracker. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere with my BRAVE BROWSER, I use it at least 7 times a week for my daily browsing needs which include work, pornography, school, and stalking my whore ex wife on facebook.

I even use my BRAVE BROWSER to browse 4channel, it's amazing! What a great BRAVE BROWSER.

how do I find a submissive white bf like pic related? only in snowy climates?

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He looks either a little too young or a little too feminine

are you hot? actually nm getting prison gay vibes from u

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last thread had 47 posters

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I dream of a Chinese America every night
then I wake up and realize it's the same mutt retarded shithole
Don't do this

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why do you want to be like Urkel now

I heard the framerate on them is terrible because they based it upon the European version of the PS1.

stop drinkiiiing
and yeah i can tomorrow
yeah those
guess he wasnt a titan

>stop drinkiiiing

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just go to Canada if you love chinks so much you cringelord

I'm going to join the army and then get stationed in Japan where I will find a gf.

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once again europe ruins everything

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I am bi, if that counts as prison gay
but I've been bi since before puberty

look at my op
>whos the guy that fought a titan in greek or roman mythology or the bible or whatever
>or the bible or whatever
>or the bible
>the bible

ur walking in a pseudo bad neighboorhood when this bish comes up and slaps your ass

wat do

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pedos think alike i guess

Not gonna lie dude, that’s still fucking retarded lmfao

will soon, promise. i gotta sober up

freeze, probably.

let her choke me

melt her with my eye lazers

Don't do what?

I was gonna say slap her ass back twice as hard, but I'd probably just lower my head and walk away

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slap her back

just keep busy and you'll be alright

titans aren't in the bible RETARD
grope her and rub up against her then take her home
if she's a prostitute I'd just slap her ass and kick her out

ya nah don't touch me


Sometimes it concerns me how much I hate women, but then I remember they're women and that my hate is not strong enough.

>guess he wasnt a titan

nights are hard, man.

are fathers protective of their daughters because they secretly want to have sex with them?

East Asia is traditionalism and anti degeneracy

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need more songs with this sound

you better, cause if you dont....

just realized 100 gecs means 100 gets.
is that a Yas Forums reference????

For legal reasons: I was just joking about becoming a lolicon. I still only like JCs and older.

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I wish I was godzilla and I could terrify and slaughter tens of thousands of asians

What spurred that thought?


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Sometimes it concerns me how much I hate men, but then I remember they're men and that my hate is not strong enough.

All of mankind is fallen and salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ.

ik ik

apologize for skallitz

i read the berserk wiki

You only hate men because you know that you will always be a man.

been finding out more and more men I know secretly hate women lately

i replied to it

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for legal reasons i am not joking about your shit tastes

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just drive around aimlessly in the hills

Goodnight, frens.

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ciao bella

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Have a good night

Tried to join the navy a few years ago but I had to leave a few weeks into boot camp because I can't function in any setting.

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